0623 - Metric 46: P2Y12 Inhibitors at Discharge
0623 - Metric 46: P2Y12 Inhibitors at Discharge
0623 - Metric 46: P2Y12 Inhibitors at Discharge
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Video Transcription
The June 2023 case scenario reviews P2Y12 inhibitors at discharge. Additionally, metric functionality is reviewed as it relates to metric 46 P2Y12 inhibitors at discharge within the eReports dashboard executive summary, with important steps discussed to assist with evaluating metric feedback and understanding. A 64-year-old female patient was brought in by her family and was experiencing chest tightness and abdominal pain. The patient had a stent placed six months prior. Her current medications include aspirin, Prazugrel, and libetalol. Due to her history and presenting symptoms, the patient was taken to the cardiac cath lab and there were no changes from the last angiogram. The physician documents continue aspirin, increased dose of libetalol to 200 milligrams twice a day, and due to the patient's concern regarding the cost of clopidogrel and ticagrelor, Prazugrel is continued as currently prescribed. How is sequence number 10205, discharge medication prescribed, coded for clopidogrel and ticagrelor? Number one, not prescribed, medical reason for both clopidogrel and ticagrelor. Number two, not prescribed, patient reason for both clopidogrel and ticagrelor. Or number three, not prescribed, no reason for both clopidogrel and ticagrelor. Please take a few moments to review the scenario and question before making your final selection. The answer is number two, not prescribed, patient reason for both clopidogrel and ticagrelor. Let us review further on how the patient's data is displayed in metric 46 P2Y12 inhibitors at discharge. Our second question, how is the patient's data displayed in metric 46 P2Y12 inhibitors at discharge? Number one, included in the denominator and not included in the numerator. Number two, not included in the denominator. Or number three, included in the numerator and denominator. Let us review the following definition prior to revealing the answer. Numerator, the count of patients, episodes who meet the processes or outcomes expected for each patient episode or other units of measurement defined. As an example, AMI patients who received a beta blocker at discharge. Denominator, which is the count of patients or episodes who remain after denominator exceptions and exclusions are applied to the eligible metric population. Denominator exclusions, the patients or episodes that are removed from the eligible metric population. As an example, patients who receive comfort measures only and are therefore not required to receive aspirin at discharge. And denominator exceptions. Patients, episodes that have not met the metric numerator criteria and have acceptable rationale such as a medical reason or patient reason are removed from the eligible metric population. As an example, AMI patients with a medical reason for not receiving a beta blocker at discharge. In this way, the metric is only considering eligible patients and episodes. It is best practice to open the Executive Summary Measures and Metrics Companion Guide when reviewing any metrics. If you have the companion guide open, metric 46 P2Y12 inhibitors at discharge is on page 22. When reviewing metric feedback, it is important to have the Executive Summary Measures and Metric Companion Guide handy to assist with the understanding of the results provided in the e-reports dashboard. Provided here is the description of metric 46 and the eligible patient population outlined as shown in the companion guide. We will now provide a few moments to review the scenario one more time and the question before making your final selection. And the answer is number two, not included in the denominator. Let us read the companion guide one more time. The patient has met the denominator exception. As this patient is medically treated and arrives on Prazegrel and is discharged on Prazegrel and has a medical patient reason for not receiving clopidogrel and ticagrelor. Thank you for reviewing the chest pain MI registry June 2023 case scenario.
Video Summary
In this video, the June 2023 case scenario is reviewed, specifically focusing on P2Y12 inhibitors at discharge. The video discusses the functionality of metric 46 within the eReports dashboard executive summary, providing steps to understand and evaluate metric feedback. The scenario involves a 64-year-old female patient with chest tightness and abdominal pain, who had a stent placed six months prior. The patient is taken to the cardiac cath lab, where no changes are observed from the previous angiogram. The physician continues prescribing aspirin and increases the dose of libetalol. Due to cost concerns, the patient's current prescription of Prazugrel is continued instead of clopidogrel and ticagrelor. The video poses questions and provides answers related to coding discharge medication and displaying patient data in metric 46. It emphasizes referring to the Executive Summary Measures and Metric Companion Guide for understanding and interpreting metrics. The final conclusion states that the patient's case qualifies as a denominator exception in metric 46 due to medical reasons for not receiving clopidogrel and ticagrelor. The video concludes by thanking the viewer for reviewing the case scenario. No credits are provided.
June 2023 case scenario
P2Y12 inhibitors at discharge
metric 46
eReports dashboard executive summary
patient data
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