0922 - Metric 18 | Risk Standardized Complications ...
0922 - Metric 18 | Risk Standardized Complication ...
0922 - Metric 18 | Risk Standardized Complications (All Defibrillator Implants)
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Video Transcription
The EP device implant registry case scenario for September of 2022 will review metric 18, risk standardized complications. This facility's risk standardized complication rate was 0.94. However, when reviewing the patient level detail report, it was noted that there were no complications for the rolling four quarters. Our question is metric 18 calculating as expected? Number one, no, or number two, yes. Please take a few moments to review the documentation and question. The answer is number two, yes. Reason being this is a statistical model that relates patient characteristics or risk associated with the likelihood of the event or outcome. As an example, death, there's always a risk of having a complication when a procedure is performed. Therefore, the facility's risk standardized complication rate will never be zero. However, the risk model provides a fair comparison of this hospital to what is expected at the average hospital. The risk is calculated based on a rolling four quarters of data to ensure accuracy. Metric 18 aggregation occurs quarterly after the data deadline. Please select a published quarter to display the data for the facility. In this example, 2021 quarter four is selected. Now scroll down to metric 18 to review the results of the facility. As previously stated, the facility's risk standardized complication rate was 0.94. With a score of 0.94, which is at the 90th percentile, only 10% of sites in the registry are performing better. The goal is to be better than the 50th percentile, which is 1.08. This means facilities should strive for a score of less than 1.08. The way to improve the risk standardized rate is to ensure all data elements related to metric 18 are documented in the medical record and accurately coded. These are the 10 variables used in metric 18 that influence risk. Sex in sequence 2060, reason for admission in sequence 3040, NYHA classification 4010, prior CABG 4515, abnormal intraventricular conduction 5060, BUN 6025, hemoglobin 6030, rhodium 6035, final device type 7625, and procedure type 7010. The risk standardized rate is an estimate of the hospital's performance that has been adjusted up or down to account for the hospital case mix. Obtaining an accurate rate is dependent on coding all variables and comorbidities correctly. Missing variables due to lack of documentation or data entry error will default to the lowest risk category. A NYHA classification that is not documented and left blank will default to the lowest risk, which is a class 1. There are several resources for metric 18. To locate the first resource, log in to the homepage of the EP device implant registry and select Resources, then Documents. Scroll down to User Guide Documents and download the Executive Summary Measures and Metrics Companion Guide. This document provides information regarding model eligibility and excluded populations. For additional resources, scroll down further to the Quality Tools and Reference Documents and download the Risk Model for In-Hospital Adverse Events and the NCDR Risk Model Documents. Thank you for viewing the EP Device Implant Registry Case Scenario for September of 2022.
Video Summary
In this video, the EP device implant registry case scenario for September 2022 is discussed. The focus is on metric 18, which measures risk standardized complications. It is noted that the facility's risk standardized complication rate is 0.94, with no complications in the rolling four quarters. The video explains that the risk model provides a fair comparison to average hospitals and that the goal is to have a score lower than the 50th percentile (1.08). The way to improve the risk standardized rate is to ensure accurate documentation and coding of the 10 variables that influence risk. Resources for metric 18 are also mentioned. No credits were granted in the video transcript.
EP device implant registry
case scenario
September 2022
metric 18
risk standardized complications
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