1023 -Sequence # 15510 | Conditional History - Can ...
1023 -Sequence # 15510 | Conditional History - Can ...
1023 -Sequence # 15510 | Conditional History - Cancer
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Video Transcription
The October 2023 case scenario reviews conditional history, specifically the selection of cancer. The scenario is as follows. I received a warning code PC22817 in the quality check for cancer treatment type for two patients. I have checked our data abstraction and I do not see any errors. The data abstraction is complete for 2023 quarter three. Our facility is receiving a yellow submission status due to sequence 15437 cancer treatment type. There are two patients entered for this quarter who have a history of cancer. Yes is coded for cancer for both patients as the target value is met for the conditional history section. However, I am unable to abstract a cancer treatment type. The first patient was initially treated with laser therapy and later with surgery. Neither treatment types are an option to select. The second patient was treated with chemotherapy nine years ago and the chemotherapy occurred outside the target value of all values between five years prior to arrival and arrival at this facility. Please help. Our facility received a silver performance achievement award for 2023 and our trajectory is to receive a platinum award level for 2024. All quarters must be at a green submission status to be eligible. So our question is what is causing the yellow submission status in the DQR? Number one, the threshold is not met for cancer treatment type. Number two, the DQR is not functioning as expected. Number three, there's an incorrect coding of cancer or number four, selections both one and three. Please take a few moments to review the documentation and the question before determining your response. And the correct answer is number four, both selections one and three. Answer number one, the supporting threshold of 50%, 10% is not met with only two patients abstracted with a history of cancer and cancer treatment type left blank. And answer number three, the patient's history of cancer was not abstracted correctly. Let's review how to code cancer in conditional history. Cancer in sequence number 12903 condition history is coded yes only when the diagnosis of cancer included treatment with one or more of the following. Number one, chemotherapy. Number two, hormone therapy. Number three, immunotherapy. And number four, radiation therapy. And treatment occurred to meet the target value of sequence 15437 cancer treatment type of all values between five years prior to arrival and arrival to this facility. Per the data dictionary, the note section directs the user to code yes to cancer only when the diagnosis of cancer included treatment with one or more of the available selections. Our correct coded shows the coding for patient number one as follows. The patient's cancer was treated with laser therapy followed by surgery within one year. However, neither of the cancer treatments for this patient are an available selection. Thus, no is coded for cancer. As far as the coding for patient number two, the patient's cancer was treated nine years ago and outside the target value, all values between five years prior to arrival and arrival at this facility. And thus, no is coded for cancer. Once the coding of cancer in the conditional history section was corrected and 2023 quarter three was submitted to the DQR, the warning code PC22817 was not received and a green submission status was achieved. Thank you for viewing the Chest Pain MI Registry October 2023 case scenario.
Video Summary
In this video, the June 2023 case scenario is reviewed, specifically focusing on P2Y12 inhibitors at discharge. The video discusses the functionality of metric 46 within the eReports dashboard executive summary, providing steps to understand and evaluate metric feedback. The scenario involves a 64-year-old female patient with chest tightness and abdominal pain, who had a stent placed six months prior. The patient is taken to the cardiac cath lab, where no changes are observed from the previous angiogram. The physician continues prescribing aspirin and increases the dose of libetalol. Due to cost concerns, the patient's current prescription of Prazugrel is continued instead of clopidogrel and ticagrelor. The video poses questions and provides answers related to coding discharge medication and displaying patient data in metric 46. It emphasizes referring to the Executive Summary Measures and Metric Companion Guide for understanding and interpreting metrics. The final conclusion states that the patient's case qualifies as a denominator exception in metric 46 due to medical reasons for not receiving clopidogrel and ticagrelor. The video concludes by thanking the viewer for reviewing the case scenario. No credits are provided.
June 2023 case scenario
P2Y12 inhibitors at discharge
metric 46
eReports dashboard executive summary
64-year-old female patient
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