2022 Quality Summit ePosters (Non-CE) - CathPCI Re ...
22. Ensuring Appropriate Patient Selection and Ach ...
22. Ensuring Appropriate Patient Selection and Achieving Quality Outcomes by Utilizing a Risk Assessment and Exclusion Criteria Tool to Undergo Low Risk PTCA/PCI at a Community Hospital
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The article discusses the utilization of a Risk Assessment and Exclusion Tool for Low Risk PTCA/PCI procedures at a Community Hospital. The tool aims to ensure appropriate patient selection and risk stratification, resulting in higher patient satisfaction and a decrease in health care spending due to fewer procedures being performed.<br /><br />The authors achieved a low complication rate with their procedures, with a MACE (Major Adverse Cardiac Event) rate of 0.9% and no incidents of bleeding or patients requiring a blood transfusion.<br /><br />The article provides references to resources such as the American College of Cardiology's ACC CATHPCI Bleeding Risk Calculator App, the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) CathPCI Registry Data Dictionary, and the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions PCI Risk Calculator.<br /><br />The article mentions a recent amendment to New Jersey's cardiac law, allowing hospitals without onsite cardiac surgery to perform Elective PTCA/PCI on non-high risk patients. However, it emphasizes the importance of careful selection, screening, and risk stratification for these procedures.<br /><br />The article highlights the value of utilizing an effective tool to guide physicians and staff in appropriate patient selection and risk assessment. The tool uses PCI risk calculators to provide individualized risk assessment scores, and it is used to determine if patients meet low risk criteria or require referral to a tertiary care center. Additionally, the tool is used post-procedure to assess if outpatients can be discharged home the same day.<br /><br />Overall, the authors emphasize the benefits of implementing a Risk Assessment and Exclusion Tool for Low Risk PTCA/PCI procedures, including improved patient satisfaction, reduced risk through better patient selection, and decreased healthcare spending.
Risk Assessment
Exclusion Tool
Community Hospital
Patient Selection
Risk Stratification
Patient Satisfaction
Healthcare Spending
Complication Rate
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