2022 Quality Summit ePosters (Non-CE) - Chest Pain ...
5. EMS Activated STEMI: Reducing First Medical Con ...
5. EMS Activated STEMI: Reducing First Medical Contact to PCI Time
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Pdf Summary
This document provides information on printing a poster, including instructions for customizing the content. It then transitions to discussing a project on reducing the time from first medical contact to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for patients experiencing ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI). The project team identifies the need to decrease the time patients spend in the emergency department (ED) to achieve prompt vessel reperfusion. Strategies are developed and implemented, resulting in a 38% reduction in ED door-in to ED door-out time and a 14% reduction in first medical contact to PCI time one year post-implementation. The sustainability of these improvements is subsequently assessed, indicating a 23% reduction in ED door-in to ED door-out time and a 13% reduction in first medical contact to PCI time. These results align with the goal set by the American Heart Association (AHA) and American College of Cardiology (ACC) of achieving a first medical contact to PCI time of less than 90 minutes. The document concludes by mentioning the system-wide implementation of similar EMS direct-to-cath-lab processes and suggests monitoring patient outcomes at certain intervals post-PCI to evaluate the impact of these time reductions on patient outcomes. The document includes references to relevant publications and reports.
printing a poster
customizing content
reducing time
medical contact
percutaneous coronary intervention
emergency department
door-in to door-out time
first medical contact to PCI time
patient outcomes
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