Chest Pain-MI v3.1 Education
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Video Transcription
Version 3.1 Data Collection Form Overview. The Chest Pain MI Registry version 3.1 is streamlined to provide concise data abstraction. This is achieved by incorporating more parent-child data elements specific to patient types and incorporating more dynamic lists. Dynamic lists can be modified to ensure the selections are comprehensive for a specific data element. The Chest Pain MI Registry version 3.1 upgrade implemented the following published articles to provide participating centers feedback on the care and outcomes of patients with possible acute coronary syndrome. The 2021 Guideline for Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest Pain and the 2022 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on the Evaluation and Disposition of Acute Chest Pain in the Emergency Department. The yellow highlighted data elements are required for the STEMI Referral Facility Dataset. For the purposes of the Chest Pain MI Registry, STEMI Referral Facility consists of either a freestanding ED or a critical access hospital. Data elements shaded in gray are optional and are not required to be coded. The decision to abstract the optional data elements are at the discretion of the participating facility. There are two data collection forms, one for the STEMI Referral Facilities and one for the Acute Care Facilities. There are approximately 40 less data elements to abstract for the STEMI pre-admit patient type. The parent-child data elements will greatly reduce data abstraction burden. Data abstraction is specific to the patient type. In this example, home and arrival medications will not be available for abstraction when unstable angina or low-risk chest pain are selected in sequence 1, 2, 3, 6, 0 patient type. A freestanding emergency department, FSED, is a licensed facility that is structurally separate and distinct from the hospital and provides emergency care. There are two distinct types of FSEDs, a hospital outpatient department, also referred to as an off-site hospital-based or satellite emergency department, and independent freestanding emergency centers. A critical access hospital, or CAH, is defined as located in the state that has established a state Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program. It is designated by the state as a CAH. It is located in a rural area or an area that is treated as rural. It's located either more than 35 miles from the nearest hospital or CAH, or more than 15 miles in area with mountainous terrain or only secondary roads, or prior to January 1st, 2006, was certified as a critical access hospital based on state designation as a necessary provider of healthcare services to residents in the area. A critical access hospital maintains no more than 25 inpatient beds that can be used for either inpatient or swing bed services and an annual average length of stay of 96 hours or less per patient for acute inpatient care, excluding swing bed services and beds that are within distinct part units. It demonstrates compliance with the critical access hospital COPs found at 42 CFR Part 485, Subpart F, and furnishes 24-hour emergency care services seven days a week. Sequence 12421, transferred from outside facility, has expanded to include the following facilities. Free Standing Emergency Department, or FSED, Critical Access Hospital, or CAH, and Acute Care Hospital.
Video Summary
The video transcript provides instructions for the Registry Site Manager in accessing the NCDR (National Cardiovascular Data Registry). The manager will receive an email with login credentials containing their participant ID, username, temporary password, and name as the RSM. They should visit the website cbquality.acc.org and use their participant ID to log in. The temporary password can be changed for security reasons, and once logged in, they can find helpful information in the Start Here link. If any issues arise, they can contact the Business Support Operations team. Access to specific registries depends on the facility's completed contract. The video does not provide any credits.
Registry Site Manager
login credentials
participant ID
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