EP Device Implant v3.0 Education
Episode of Care v3.0
Episode of Care v3.0
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Video Transcription
Thank you for viewing this educational presentation, which introduces data elements new to the EP device implant registry version 3.0. This presentation focuses on the episode of care section, which is completed with each patient's arrival at your facility. When sequence 3040, reason for admission, is coded as admitted for this procedure, the abstractor is prompted to select the reason for being admitted for the procedure in sequence 15780. As a select all that apply data element, the intent is to provide the applicable reason or reasons based on documentation. As an example, if a patient is admitted secondary to a device infection, as well as requiring a new generator implant, both infection and generator device change are selected. Reasons the patient was admitted for this procedure include device embolization, initial device implant, infection, generator device change, or lead dislodgement. Device embolization is defined as the full dislodgement of a device from its original position that is then introduced to the circulatory system, potentially including blood supply to vessels and or organs. Other is abstracted when the patient's procedure reason is not otherwise available for selection. Thank you for taking the time to view this presentation.
Video Summary
This educational presentation introduces new data elements in the EP device implant registry version 3.0, focusing on the episode of care section. When a patient's admission is coded as for a procedure, the abstractor selects applicable reasons, such as device infection or generator implant. Options include device embolization, initial implant, infection, generator change, or lead dislodgement. "Device embolization" refers to a device dislodged into the circulatory system. If none apply, "Other" is selected. The aim is to document accurate reasons for admission related to the procedure.
ChessPain MI Registry
data quality report
STEMI referral dataset
data submission protocols
cardiac care centers
EP device implant registry
episode of care
device embolization
generator implant
admission reasons
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