EP Device Implant v3.0 Education
History and Risk Factors v3.0
History and Risk Factors v3.0
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Video Transcription
Thank you for viewing this educational presentation introducing data elements that are new to the EP device implant registry version 3.0. The history and risk factors section encompasses the patient's clinical condition history, as well as their procedural history, and is completed for each episode of care. Sequence number 12903, Condition History Name, captures the patient's medical conditions based on the clinical diagnosis or documentation in the medical record. Yes is selected when there is documentation of a prior diagnosis. Additional definitions appear for select conditions to support abstraction and clarify clinical relevance and intent. No is selected when there is no clinical diagnosis or supportive documentation per the condition definition. Set to No is a feature that allows users to set sequence number 14264 to No while still coding Yes for the patient's historical data. This structure ensures comprehensive tracking of historical patient information while reducing data abstraction effort. Please note that certain conditional history entries will have child fields that become available when Yes is selected in sequence number 14264. The intent of the condition history selection, valvular heart disease, is to indicate the presence of moderately severe or severe primary valvular heart disease. Yes is coded when there is documentation to support that the valve itself is the primary reason for the valvular heart disease, and it was defined as moderately severe to severe to meet the target value of any occurrence between birth and the current procedure. An example of primary valvular heart disease is severe aortic stenosis that causes heart failure or cardiomyopathy. Aortic stenosis is the primary problem. An example of secondary valvular heart disease, which would not be collected here, is a valve defect caused by an MI or LV dilatation. Please note that a diagnosis of Marfan syndrome aortic insufficiency that is moderately to severe supports capture as well. Ultimately, when there is no supporting documentation of the etiology of the valvular disease, No is coded. When structural abnormalities is coded as Yes in sequence 14264 and infiltrative is identified as the structural abnormality type in sequence 4545, a list of infiltrative structural abnormality types is available. The infiltrative structural abnormality types available for selection are several forms of amyloidosis, as well as cardiac sarcoidosis, Chagas disease, and giant cell myocarditis. Lastly, other infiltrative structural abnormality is available to code for infiltrative abnormalities not otherwise available for selection. Sequence number 12905, Procedure History Name, and the associated Procedure History Occurrence field, sequence 14268, prompt the abstractor to select any and all procedures for which the patient has a documented procedural history. The target value is any occurrence between birth and the first procedure in this admission. When Yes is coded in the Procedure History Occurrence for cardiovascular implantable electronic device, all documented prior defibrillator, permanent pacemakers, and or cardiac contractility modulation device types that the patient has had previously implanted are selected in sequence 15793, prior CIED device type. VAD, or Ventricular Assist Device, is the general term for a surgically implanted mechanical circulatory support device that is intended for use outside of the hospital. The purpose of a VAD is to support patients with heart failure by increasing perfusion and reducing the filling pressures in the heart. Candidate for VAD and currently on VAD are mutually exclusive. Candidate for VAD is coded Yes for patients when treatment with VAD is currently being considered. Currently on VAD is coded Yes for patients who are currently being treated with VAD. The selections On Heart Transplant Waiting List and Candidate for Transplant are also mutually exclusive, and only one may be selected to best represent the patient's heart transplant status. Thank you for taking the time to view this presentation.
Video Summary
This presentation introduces new data elements in the EP device implant registry version 3.0. It details the history and risk factors section, capturing a patient's clinical condition and procedural history. Conditions are documented based on clinical diagnosis, and specific conditions have definitions to aid clarity. Key components include coding guidelines for conditions like primary valvular heart disease and infiltrative structural abnormalities. The presentation also covers procedural history documentation, including prior implantable devices and protocols for Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) and heart transplant candidacy. This structured approach optimizes comprehensive patient data tracking while minimizing data abstraction efforts.
chest pain MI registry
acute coronary syndrome
myocardial infarction
EP device implant registry
clinical diagnosis
coding guidelines
procedural history
patient data tracking
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