Modernizing Reporting and the NCDR User Experience
Modernizing Reporting and the NCDR User Experience
Modernizing Reporting and the NCDR User Experience
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Lead a conversation on the modernized reporting and the NCDR user experience pertaining to our new dashboards. As you all know, our legacy dashboards are truly retired now. So, today this is our agenda. We'll introduce ourselves. We'll give a little history of the new dashboards. We'll cover some information that we hope you're aware of in our did you know section. Then we'll talk about some enhancements we've already implemented thus far. And then we'll review some of the. Features that are coming soon, we'll go over some questions from your peers questions we've received already and then we'll address. The questions in the chat, or we'll try to get to those as much as possible. So I'll start with the introductions. I hope you all know me as. I'm Connie Anderson, and I am the product manager for the CAC PCI registry. And I also manage the, um. The other product managers, I'm a team lead of that team. You know, I've been with the ACC for 12 years, a long time. I have a lot more wrinkles now than I used to, but who cares? Christina? Yes, hello everyone. Christina Kutras. Thank you for joining us today. I oversee the NCDR registry. Programs, and I've been at the ACC since 2010. So, we're, we're glad you're joining us today. And then, of course, David, David gave a quick introduction. Hey, good afternoon everyone. Thank you for joining the call. A really important topic here for helping all of you get through this transition. So, we're happy to have you here. I've been here for 18 years and, of course, lead the clinical quality advisor team. Shelley? Oh, you're muted. My name is Shelley Conine. I've been with ACC for 8 years now. I'm a team leader for. The NCDR registries, and I currently support the chest pain of my registry as well as the EPDI registry. Wonderful. Thank you. Okay. We're already over 600 participants. So. So glad you're all with us. Okay. Next slide. Christina. And, and you'll start with the history, so. Take it away. Presuming you're muted. You all can see the slide just making sure, right? Yes, we can. Okay, perfect. All right. So 1st, we want to go through some of the background of how we got to where we are at this moment regarding our dashboards. So, our challenge was that over the years, we continue to hear from our customers over and over again that would express our dashboards were too slow and that. More flexibility was desired in the product and in order to address what we heard from the customers and addresses expectations, we realized that we really needed to do some modernization of our technology. We were a little on the antiquated side, if you will. So, our path to accomplish this really began with starting to evaluate which technology architecture would be best to support those needs. Then we went through the exercise of defining what a proof of concept would look like, what our goals were. Then we started to gather the voice of our customers prior to doing any type of developing. Then, once we started developing our wire frames or prototypes, if you will, we took those wire frames and prototypes back to share with our customers to gather more feedback on what we heard. Was this going to meet the needs? And then finally, we began building the product and you can imagine this exercise was not something that moved quickly, right? This actually took us a number of years to accomplish all of this. So, what happened after that, our next step was we wanted to conduct interviews with many, many different customer types and we wanted to do this before we even began building our wire frames so that we could understand what were the pain points, what were things on the wish list and what was the typical user experience so that we could better understand that before prototyping. And as you can see here, we had a very large depth and breadth of interviews that were conducted with a variety of different stakeholders. And we interviewed various facilities that included system directors, data abstractors, quality program coordinators, physicians, analysts, and also spoke with some of our ACC internal staff to understand what they had been hearing from our customers. And what we actually heard was, plain and simple, speed, flexibility, and different ways to interact with the data and that we would be able to have flexibility on the ACC side to deliver things quickly. So, what happened after we conducted the interviews, synthesize that information, we began building our wire frames and we took this back to all the customers that we interviewed to get some initial feedback. So we had multiple interviews with all of these people and what they saw, everyone liked. So, then we actually move forward with building out our prototype and releasing our initial dashboard. And I call it our initial dashboard because we consider this our first phase, if you will, right? First phase of our product. And with that first phase launch, a couple of things were important. One, to ensure that we had data that rendered faster than our old dashboard, because we heard that so much. We accomplished that. And then we wanted to make sure that we offered more flexibility and some exciting new features with this first phase launch. Some exciting new features, for example, the benchmarking comparison that you're able to select a variety of different benchmarks that you want to compare yourself to, unlimited bookmarking, export to PowerPoint capabilities. So a few things, a few new bells and whistles to start with. And actually where we are now is about right here. And you'll see that to the right, we still have more work to do, right? So that's the important part to focus in on here is that it's not just a stop and cease, right? In development and build. It's a continuous process and we will continue to seek customer feedback and continue to innovate and enhance the capabilities that we have. So, our ultimate goal is to bring better features and continue to enhance. So just keep that in mind as we go through this discussion and have this conversation that this will be a continuous process and we're on this journey together and we appreciate your feedback along the way and all the support that you've provided and input so far. So, with that, I'm going to turn it over to Connie to share a little bit. About our dashboards. You're on mute. Are you on mute Connie? After I made a mental note to myself not to do that, I did it anyway. So, you know. We were also joined by. Amelia, Amelia, do you want to take just a 2nd to say? Hello. Hi, everyone my name is Amelia Atkins. I'm actually on the registry development side. I'm thrilled to be here to listen to. Any feedback or input that I can glean from this experience. So thank you for having. Thank you. He's our resident expert. And so when we are stumped by something, we all run for her. Okay, so the, this section is addressing questions that we've received. And we are hoping that sharing. More in detail about the dashboard will help that answer some of those questions. So, here in the 1st bullet, you see that the tiny asterisk by the ending timeframe. In this indicates that the timeframe has not. And published in the legacy dashboards, we did have a statement that said unpublished, but this dashboard. While newer and with many more bells and whistles offers us less real estate. And so this mirrors what we used to have, we did have the asterisk. It just no longer also says the words. And then when that's the case, so in the 2nd bullet here, you see the timeframe is unpublished the benchmarks from heading. Will showcase the last published timeframe. These are the benchmarks the weekly weekly aggregated data are evaluated against. And in our last bullet, we can see that when the ending timeframe is published, there's no longer an asterisk. And the date aligns with the benchmarks from. So, it's a nuance that hopefully you'll become more comfortable with and actually will help you recognize whenever you're on the dashboard and no matter. Uh, the ad that you're on, um, that will be your signal that the data is either published or unpublished. We can go to the next slide. Okay, we have a lot of questions about rank ordering. So I'm going to start with the good things. So, the 1st thing is, is that. In the legacy dashboard, we only rank ordered executive summary metrics. And only those provided the benchmark, which is what you see here in this table. We have the 50th. U. S. percentile, so these very basic data elements for relaying the status is elective or urgent emergency or salvage. Are actually benchmarked against the registry. So. It offers quick assessments. I can quickly see. That I am coding salvage 1.5% of the time, which is a lot more. Then the U. S. benchmark of 0.1%. So, um, that should help me. Understand a couple of things that either I have a data coding problem. Or I have very sick patients, right? So I'm going to spend some time to get to understand this data better. I also get some heat map insights. Now, rank ordering will either give an algorithm. Or a metric in a sending or descending orientation. So, in this case. It's a sending and the more you code any 1 of these selections, the better. And there within lies the problem of rank ordering. Let's go to our next slide. The heat map. Oh, yes. Sorry. I forgot that. Thanks Christina. Oh, wait, don't go yet. Now. See, I wanted to show the value of that is that you can click on any metric. So, understanding this in this case, PCI status emergency. This was insights you never got from. Um, our legacy dashboard, but I can see how my patient population is changing quarter by quarter and how it compares to the US registry. Okay, now we go to the next slide. So the heat map is what is is really throwing people off because how can. Having more salvage cases be a good thing, right? So the. Darker the color on our heat map, the better performances if you will. And so you can put Christine and there's a statement at the end. That clarifies we are looking at how to make rank ordering be the best that it can be. As Christina mentioned, rank ordering was something and out of box feature. For this dashboard, and our team will continue to look at this and. Try to figure out how, you know, how to relay this information because it is meaningful much of it. In the right way. All right. Our next slide. Okay, so then bookmark bookmarking features. So on. The left navigation menu, you have this little icon and it opens up a tab for metric detail bookmarks. When you click add, you can create bookmarks. So what I did in this example, as I filtered to all of the. Mortality metrics, and I created a bookmark called M and M meetings. And if I go to this tab on the metric detail page, open up my bookmark and click on M and M meetings, I will immediately get. All of mortality, I then created another bookmark. To look at my cost analysis effort and I look at. When I select that all of my efficiency metrics come up. And you can adjust, you can have as many bookmarks as you want. And you can adjust them by clicking on those 3 little dots and you can either rename it or delete it. And next slide so what enhancements have we done thus far? Next slide. So, 1st of all, we heard from a lot of folks. That and you can click with Christina here because I'm going to highlight what I'm talking about. When you go to the download feature in the left navigation menu. There, there were the selections of current dashboard metric detail report. And metric detail follow up report. But that was it and each 1 of these offers either a snapshot of the view or an Excel. But we heard loud and clear that there needed to be a way to see all of the executive summary metrics. With 1 click and be able to see them in a PDF. And so what you see there is now in your executive. Summary export in a PDF version and Christine will talk about some other things that are coming. But what this does is it provides a PDF that. Includes 1st, the NCDR registry name. The ending timeframe, the facility name, the data as of date, the current performance in my R4Q. The percentile distribution for that metric and the quarterly trend graph. I highlighted the 10th percentile because that's another question we've received a lot. On the dashboard, you'll see the 50th percentile and some of the other cutoffs, but not the 10th. And again, we have a real estate issue so you can find that by downloading an Excel export or the PDF. And we'll go to our next slide, the other enhancements thus far, the professional level dashboard has launched on dot org. And hopefully you've all found the resource guide that's posted to every registry page. We've made this universal, so it, it goes across registries as far as the. Content about the dashboard, the individual metrics are obviously specific to that registry. But this 1 document supports both participants and the providers instead of the 2 that we had before. So, if you're getting any questions from your providers, please give them that document and it will help them log into a. As well, we've launched a designated public reporting dashboard. So now I just want to showcase what we used to have. So, if you click for senior, there's some animation here. This is a look at the old legacy dashboard. The ending timeframe was. Something you could adjust as well as. Again, you could retrieve the scoring details and lastly again. You could export the PDF so that was the extent of. How interoperable what am I trying to say? Customizable? It was or how interactive it was. It's a better work and now this is just a look at what we have currently. So I'm just going to orient you to this page before I do a little demo. We still have the scoring details. Now, we also have a clear display, whether the hospital is participating or not. And then the ending timeframe, what the data quality was for that timeframe. And lastly, when were these metrics aggregated on. On the left menu, we have the same options. You can. Download the report and then also lastly, you can click on a metric and populate. A trend graph on the bottom that showcases your hospital performance over time. Against your state. All right now. And now we're going to go to a live demo. So, I am going to share. This screen, and I'm going to open up. Yes, and you see my that I'm logging in. No, because I'm still sharing are. Right so I can't see what you're doing. I just need to stop sharing. Okay. I want to share. Am I sharing. Oh, we see now I stop sharing yours. Okay, so here we are logged into the cast dashboard. I'm going to go straight to the. Public reporting dashboard right down here at the bottom. And I was talking to my good friend, Sheila Nichols. Who is in Pennsylvania, because even though this. Hospital is publicly reporting. And their data is available for you to see on find your heart of home. This view is private to their hospital, so I want to make sure it was okay with them that I share it. She said it was. So, thank you very much. Sheila. She's also a representative nurse representative to the steering committee. So, I always encourage all of you to consider. Joining our steering committee, so I just had this up a little while ago and it popped right up. But, of course, right now, because I am sharing it with all of you, it's going to take it sweet all time. So, this is Allegheny general hospital located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. And we're waiting. You know what, I'm just going to share my screen for a minute Connie until you kind of pull up what what you need to show. Like, the exact public reporting page or just to make sure you get to where you need to get. Of course, yes, well, it was up so fast before. I know sometimes sometimes I have to open a brand new browser and start over. It works much faster than trying to use the same browser. Just open another window for some reason. Yeah, me pop right right up. Or maybe it's because webex is also going to. No, here we go. Okay. Hang on a second. Yeah, once you get once you get there, then just share and I'll. Okay, all right, let me do that. No, I'm going to show you this. We have to click 3 times. Okay. Here we are. All right, so this is their landing page for Allegheny General Hospital. And it tells me right away that I am participating in public reporting. The last publicly reported timeframe was 2023 to. For I, or I'm going to speak like, I'm them. So, I'm going to go ahead and click on that. And it tells me that I'm going to participate in April 16. Now, the 1st thing I'd like to do is click on 1 of these metrics and see how I'm performing against state and you can see everything spinning. Yeah, I mean, something is not right here. Oh, we did look at this, so I'm going to try going to the map. Let's see. If I can do that, it's really strong. Stop sharing with them, maybe that's it's very subtle when it's rendering. It has a little wheel, but it's subtle. It was rendering. It is, I know it's rendering, but I did this just before the call and it popped up in 2 seconds. This is very. Well, I think we better just move on. Okay, yeah, I think you could, I mean, I think it's I don't because we didn't show it in a slide, but, um. You know, just speaking to some of the really neat new features in the public reporting dashboard specific to the map. Don't we have that? Don't we on here? Connie? Well, I, and it just popped up, of course, so let me try 1 more time. I did have it, but then I didn't want to take up his phone. Okay, can you see the map? Yes. Okay, so the 1st thing is, is that the whole map of the US will come up all the green dots that you see are hospitals that are participating in public reporting. So, super exciting page anyway. Now, if I want to zoom in and find my hospital, I'm just going to hover over the map and I'm going to find Pennsylvania right over here. And I'm just going to keep drilling into the map. As I get closer to Pittsburgh, I can find my hospital. My hospital is a yellow dot. It's still rendering yet struggling. But hopefully you can get the idea. And I can see the neighboring hospitals around me. That are that are publicly reporting and this is not. This is so anyway. Back to the topic, my hospital is going to be a bright yellow dot. The other hospitals are going to be the dark green that indicates they're involved in public reporting. If I click on 1 of these metrics. Then their performance in that metric may. Will may shift the color it'll highlight using that map. And I can cover over those green dots and see the name of their hospital. If I am not participating in public reporting when I log in. It will say, of course, not participating at the top of the screen. And my hospital will be an orange instead of the bright yellow. And so this feature, uh, this map is. Are more sort of. What's the word I'm looking for interactive? Very interactive. So now I can. Also get a feel for who are my, who am I competing against? If you will. And, and, or am I the only 1 with public reporting in my area? That's the 1st question. So if I hover. Over some of these hospitals, their names will come up and I did that before and I found out. That this is Allegheny general hospital and the hospitals right around me are all in my health care system. Forbes, Jefferson, the West and and they're all publicly reporting just like me. So, that's awesome. So if I'm working. At Allegheny, I can check on Jefferson through this map and see. How well we're doing well, as it turns out, we're all doing well, because. I think she lives in charge of all of these places. So. I'm going to stop there, but hopefully that makes you excited to go check it out. It will work much faster for you. I promise. It was very odd. Thank you. Christine. Okay, thank you. All right, so now we're going to dive into some of the. Additional features that are coming soon again. We are listening a lot of this is based on. Things that we've heard from you things that we had in our pipeline roadmap, right? That just weren't feasible to launch at our initial. New technology launch, so for us, it has taken a bit of time, right? Just get feet under us on a brand new platform, brand new technology and then we'll be incorporating. Some of the additional features as we move along, so I just wanted to highlight a few that are coming soon. 1 thing that I want to point out again. Based on feedback, and as we've used the product, our current color display that we have, for example, on the overview page. It varies registry to registry what you see on that overview page, but in this example, this is from the chest pain in my registry. You can see a lot of the colors are very muted kind of they blend in together and sometimes it's hard to distinguish 1 from the other. So we are working on enhancing the color displays to make sure that they are able to be discernible color to color quickly and not try to figure out which is which is which is what we're trying to do. And not try to figure out which is which again, we have. You know, explored this sent out some prototyping or voice of the customer. So this is coming soon. I think this week, I think later this week. They're supposed to deploy the new colors. Another new feature that will be launching soon is a little alert icon. It's what we call a little alert message. And for the initial launch, it will be applicable for those instances where perhaps the metrics did not aggregate over the weekend, perhaps everything else did. But we had a little blip with our metrics, so they might not yet be available. You'll see a blue icon pop up only when there is a message to be shared. So that little blue icon will be your signal that there is an alert. All you would do would be to hover over that icon. So hover your mouse over it. And it will render a message that tells you the weekly aggregation for is currently in progress. So that'll be your key to know when you look at that dashboard, the AUC metrics are not ready yet. And it will give you an expected resolution date. So that would be the date you could expect them to be aggregated. The next item that we have in the works would be the professional-level dashboard reports, and that would be similar to what Connie reviewed on your, you know, your metric summary PDF download. And this would be for your various professionals at your facility. That would be that PDF report that you could download for them as you select each individual provider or professional at your facility. So exciting. That will be coming, hopefully, in the beginning of the new year. The other piece we've been working on is, again, when we first launched this, right, the heat map colors that we were using were all hues or shades of green, because that was kind of your true heat map where you establish the colors and darker to lighter indicates your performance, you know, the better to worse. However, you know, after using the product a bit and seeing all of them lined up together, right, sometimes it's hard to differentiate between some of the greens because they're so similar. So, again, out in prototype for feedback, we've, you know, sent out a few different examples, and this is just one different example that's out there for review and voice of the customer feedback is that this would allow the same type of, you know, shading, darker to lighter being better, but starting with green using 90th to 50th, those would be your shades of green. Again, darker to lighter, and then shades of blue, darker to lighter. Once you hit the 25th percentile, again, just indicating your better to worse performance, but shading the colors a little differently so that you could distinguish quickly and more easily. So, in the works, the next thing in the works would be our column for your volume comparison. So, when you want to compare your facilities performance to that of facilities performing similar volume. That's in the works to come back in as a column as well. Another request that we're working on is, as you recall, on the metric detail page, we do have a quarterly trend line display, which is really, really nice to see. All those trend lines, the request was to also have that, be able to toggle or to also look at your rolling for quarter. So, right now, the dots are representing a quarterly performance, but the ask is to be able to look at each dot representing your R4Q trends. So, that is in the works and a few other key features. I just want to point out. Of course. We do have something else we're working on that would offer some new flexibility in the ways you're exploring your metric performance results based on patient factors or patient characteristics, if you will. Working on an enhanced follow up trend report and, of course, always continuing to try to enhance our technical and speed of the product. So. That is a constant. I'm just going to switch over for a moment to speak to some additional questions that have come in from your peers, just to know so that you understand. These are some of the things that you might be thinking, you know, we're hearing them and we're continuing to to address these as well. The 1st, 1 is the actual comparator functionality, which was that feature where you could go in and select. Teaching hospital, you could select state that you want to compare yourself to, right? There were all of these selections that would allow you to compare yourself to other facilities based on certain characteristics. People have asked, can the patient drill downs open in different windows? And for both of these again, these are things that we're still evaluating on how we enhance them and deliver highly customized features. For example, in the comparator, how do we do it even better than we did before? So, instead of just throwing things back in that that we had, we're trying to. Take the time, take the time to pause and evaluate how can we do it better? How could we make it more customizable and bring more value? And Christina, you know, I think thinking about the public reporting dashboard is a really good example of that. That was a, you know. The 1st phase deliverable that we had to have. But even that was re, imagined to be far more dynamic and more active. And so that's the intent here. We've given. Amelia and her team our list of. Requests for these things, but. And then some, because we've gotten groups of people together and and taken all of your suggestions and our own. And just given them all to Amelia and so she is tasked with weeding through them and saying. What can be delivered for what. Might be a possible a better solution. Exactly another question we've had is why doesn't all of the data display when you use the current dashboard download feature that download button that you click on there that seen in the little screenshot. And and I think this is a piece where we could provide a little bit more clarity, but the functionality is that the current dashboard is only able to take basically it's a screenshot. Of the visible data that's in that window, and that's all at this time it's able to do. So, we, we know that we need to provide some updated text to make sure there's clarity with what that feature can actually do when it says current dashboard. It is only what you can see in that window view for now. And those are limitations of. Of the tool right now that we have another question is talking about when printing the PDF of the actual overview page. Um, they don't see the name of the registry. That the data pertains to, and again, this has to do with. The actual screen, so something we're investigating and working on and the same for the feature Connie talked about again, the metric summary report, we are getting requests as well to have the detail lines. Print out in a full PDF, we are evaluating and exploring that as well. So we have that on the radar. And there is also some of you may notice there on some of the graph displays that some of the percentages might rise above 100%, which isn't. Realistic or achievable and so we are addressing that in the instances where that's identified and working on that. So just letting, you know, those are some of the things we're aware of already. And that's all I have at the moment and we wanted to make sure that we. Gave you the opportunity to ask questions and that. Um, we, let's see if we can go to the chat. Good questions in the chat. I'm not seeing any right now unless I'm missing them. Shelly. You see any you're on mute. There are questions in the chat. Oh, yeah, I can't read them either. Okay. Let me I scroll to the top and I'm going to go from the top. Down, okay, so there is a request about the aggregation. Is it possible to have a real time aggregation as opposed to a weekly aggregation? That's a lot of data to aggregate, but I don't want to speak to it. If someone else wants to address. Yeah, I'll take that at this time because of the volume that we have. This dashboard for now, we'll have to remain at our weekly aggregation. Not that that's something we still aren't exploring because yes, that is feedback that we've heard. Um, everyone has a different interpretation of what, you know, real time means to them and we, we have heard some requests for more frequently than weekly. There's also been a lot of requests to have this. PowerPoint supplied after this meeting. So, I do believe that we are going to try to supply some sort of meeting minutes. Of this meeting, there's a question that says, is the number in the benchmark column, the low end of that benchmark range for the high end. So, it is the benchmark at the point where that starts. So that's a great question. When you filter your slicer menu to 50th percentile, let's say the 50th. Let's make it easy. The 50th percentile is. 55%, so that's what we'll display. But the next percentile is at 75% and. That benchmark goes from. 50 to. 74%, right? So anything within that range is the 50th percentile. So, we're actually looking at how to make that more intuitive so that. When you see that, say, you're in the 50th percentile. You don't think, oh, I'm right right at the where it starts that I actually may be in a range of that percentile. But it always starts at the, I suppose at the bottom of that range, right? It's that 1st number that indicates you've reached the 50th percentile. And then it says, is it possible to have a PDF. Of individual metrics with both the quarterly trend and the R4Q trend. We don't know what's possible yet, but we'll definitely gather the questions in here that we haven't received before and add them to our list. And see what is possible. So there's another question, how do I print the metric summary report? So we did cover that. Hopefully. You caught it, but if not, if you go to the left navigation menu and go to the download feature. The very last option is a metric summary report, and that's a PDF and will include everything. And then there's a question here for follow up dashboard. So. That's that sounds like we might have to revisit. That download if we need it for follow up as well as we do for the metric detail. Um, wines. Yeah, and there's there's a question about. Why we got rid of the old dashboard until we could download the full report. We do have the full metric summary report in there. The just. Reiterating that again, um. Not not the detail lines yet. However, they are exportable in many different ways. Excel and. And also just touching on that, right. I know it's a learning curve and it changes not easy for everyone, but. Getting rid of the old dashboard now also allows us to focus our full attention. On the new dashboard and get these features rolled out more quickly versus trying to support 2 different dashboards. So, I think that will be less of a resource constraint on us. So. That's the other reasons it's, it's, it's 2 different technologies trying to support 2 different platforms. And then there's, uh, what does the variance mean? The percentage order variance? So that's hard to explain. And easier to show, so if you just go to the resource page and pull the dashboard user guide, there's pictures in there and an explanation. Point by point, um, what it means and and it actually gives an example of. Of the math how it's calculated. Yeah, if you haven't opened that dashboard user guide, it's wonderful. So. Definitely through that to. Explain a lot of the features there's another question on bookmarking for bookmarking and multiple selections be made within the same bookmark. And the answer to that is. Yes, you want to explain that Amelia. Wouldn't you have to create a new benchmark for each selection you want. If the question is simply around, can I manipulate multiple things on the page and then create my bookmark? Absolutely. And that's kind of the beauty of it, particularly if there's a page where there's only certain things that you care about seeing, and you don't want to filter it. Every single time you go, you can go ahead, make it look the way you want it to look and then create your bookmark. And 1 of the updates that we made to the bookmarking. Is that it's not going to capture and persist the ending timeframe that you selected. So, you can keep that bookmark and you can apply. The time, like, the latest timeframe, for example, and keep using it and it can be used by anybody in your organization. So, you can come up with fun ways of naming them, but they're very helpful, particularly if you're not interested in the bulk of everything that you see on the screen. Right. So, if I can just mention, you know, from a, from a perspective of working with all of our participants. Population, you know, we have had people on the phone who have called and some people really love this new process. Some people have a harder time adjusting to it and there are outstanding questions. So hopefully. By providing this format and allowing you to kind of really have solidified in your mind that this is. A version 1, and as we move forward, there are going to be enhancements. Um, with that, I would still encourage you if you have something. That either is not working rather than get frustrated or rather not rather than not know what is on the docket for the future for this product. Uh, reach out and we can log that and put it on the on the table for future enhancements, potentially and or help you through this. Uh, the reason we wanted to reach all of you in mass today was because we did start receiving. Uh, phone calls from some people, and a lot of the answers are there. It's just sometimes people draw their own conclusions and change as hard for everyone as Christina said. But there have been, I mean, that's kind of the wheelhouse we work in every time we have a registry upgrade or an update or a new registry. You know, we see a significant panic, but then people get used to it and we're like, wow, this was really great. So. We would just ask that you all hang in there with it because you've been through this before and, um, at the end of the day, it's really going to be a product that better serves you. Um, from what we had before, yeah, well said. Thank you. There's another question that says, can we add the old metric numbers to the new dashboard even temporarily so that we can just seeing it. We actually did try that idea, but we ran out of room. And so, uh, this is where we landed and it is hard for all of us. And we constantly say that we don't know what the metric number is and so we have to refer to it by its name. But, and I don't know that we ever will remember the metric numbers. We have simple. Simple numbers, right? Number 20 number 25 and now we have metric key 4, 4, 6, 4. so it's a bit of a different way of thinking. I think we're also, we're just going to always need to. Look at it to to to select the right metric key. So. If if you have an idea for something that doesn't take up a lot of room. Then send it to us, we're open to ideas, but we do have real estate. Constraints we've tried to deliver many panels on a single view. And many of them are dynamic and so. You can select to look at, say, the bar graphs versus the text. Whichever 1, you prefer, and all of this takes up room. And so there were some, you know, there were some sacrifices along the way, but. With that in mind, now that you all know if you have an idea for a way to. Implement something or change something that doesn't take up a lot of real estate work. We're all ears and just to reiterate. So so we're clear as we talk through some of these things. The, the only right now, the current PDF report that's available is the metric summary page. Right? That is the only. Page that allows you to do a full PDF report, right? Of all the. Executive summary, if you will, or all the metric summary. Um, page metrics and what's all what's in the works for, like, a full metric. Full metric report out within the works and coming soon not yet available. Would be the report out for the professional level dashboard. Right? So you won't see that there yet. You'll still only see, you know, the other exports to. PDF or PowerPoint, but not the full report and then the metric detail page is not there yet. So just making sure that's clear for everyone. Because I know we, we show slides, but it's not there yet. It's coming soon. There's a question here that I'm going to post to our panel. It says, what would you say is the most important thing to know and utilize with this new dashboard? What is the most useful tool? So, while you're all thinking, I'm going to tell you. So, my, my favorite new feature. Is to click on any. Detail line metric and have it populate to the trend graph at the bottom. So that without me, crunching a bunch of numbers or updating all the ending timeframes, I have an appreciation and it was in that example that I showed. Of how often I'm coding emergency. PCI status, right? I can see that at a glance. So, when I have someone come to my office that says, our patients are getting thicker. I can go, well, maybe not. I think that's useful. Anybody else. I think my, I really like the ability to select the benchmark that I want to compare myself to instead of always saying the 50th percentile. As I work on quality improvement goals, or we have. You know, certain drivers, and I want to bump it up and I want to be 75th percentile, right? If I always set that as my benchmark that we're working towards, or 90th, whatever the case may be. I like the flexibility to set that. As we have different quality improvement goals, so. My favorite piece is not 1 functionality, but the fact that it's a product that we can take into the future. And it's going to allow a lot more functionality, a lot more creativity. It's going to allow a lot more. Drill down opportunities are some really cool things on the horizon and we would not have been able to offer that with the product that we have before. So growth is messy and it takes patience. So, but I think my favorite thing is that we are in a position now to take us forward into a place that I think you're ultimately ultimately going to be really happy with in all honesty. Right. Amelia. Amelia. Well, I don't think mine mine can really count because for me, I get excited seeing all of it. And I get really excited hearing that what you guys like. And having the opportunity as I have to speak to some participants directly. It gives me insight as a, as a non clinical participant in this entire. Projects to be able to enhance it more and more. So. For me, my favorite part has been the communication so that I can enhance these visualizations. And make them more useful. So, I have to say that 1 of my favorite pieces of it is that it's. Visually engaging, you know, you have everything at a glance that you can quickly see that you don't have to dive in to get a real quick glance of what's going on. So that's an overview. It's not specific to 1 specific thing, but everywhere you click it. This visual that just grabs your attention and then it makes you want to drill down and dive a little bit deeper. But. Yeah, I think it's the at a glance and the code enhancements that are coming. Just going to make that even. More phenomenal. Yeah, thank you. Sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off. Somebody put in here that in general, they find this dashboard reaction slower than the old 1. so that's not been my experience. Today was a 1 off and Amelia did confirm that there was 100% usage spike. In the dashboard, which when that many people in there were. What did I say? Almost 870 folks on the call if they're all clicking the same thing open at the same time. So, I don't know. I don't know if we're going to feel it if, you know, we're going to feel it. But, but aside from that, I find it overall quite a bit faster. Amelia, do we have any stats on. I have some good news coming. We are currently in testing for a possible solution to be able to amp up the performance and make it much, much more streamlined. There are things that we can do, but as a general rule, if everyone is touching the same service at the same time, this can happen. So we happen to have a spike during this because Murphy's law. Typically, typically using the dashboard, you shouldn't see huge, huge differences. Then you would with the other or other dashboard or like, see. We're almost at the top of the hour. 1 of the frequent questions in the chat has been about this webinar and will we be posting it. For participants, so at a minimum, we're happy to post the PDF. Sorry, PDF of the slides we shared. But we did record it and David, are we going to try to. Get that posted? I mean, yes, we are going to do our best to get it recorded and at a minimum what I would say is if we're not able to take a large group of people, we're going to try to do our best to get it posted. What I would say is, if we're not able to take a large video, like, an hour long session and put it into the learning center, there should be a way that we could do that. We just have to fine tune. Our process of getting it there, but if we can do it, we're going to do it. If we can't do it, then alternatively, potentially we could make. Videos equal to this that would explain the same information, but there will be some things lost in that. But we're going to try our best. Yeah, and great. And, you know, you, you mentioned change. I mentioned change. You know, in full transparency, it's changed for all of us, right? So for even for us internally, the transition to get used to the new dashboard. Took some time, right? And then we, we just learn to love it and have fun with all the new features, right? You know, it's never easy. And I would just say, get like Shelly mentioned. Get in there and play if you haven't done so already, right? Because if you have the old dashboard there. You are just more inclined to use it and not spend as much time in the new dashboard, but once you dig in and play and open things, you can't break it. Right? So click on everything, learn all the new features, reach out to us for help or support for any questions you have continue to provide your feedback as you dig in and play more and learn to understand it. Um, we, like I said, we always appreciate and value your feedback and we want to make it a valuable, efficient, useful product for you. So. Just keep that in mind as you begin to dig in more and more. You know, 1 of our natural sorry, Connie, 1 of our natural inclinations as humans is if we get frustrated with something. We can either, you know, just get all like, in our own heads and angry about it, or we can walk away and not use it. Or there's different options. You find yourself getting frustrated because it's new and because it's not really intuitive to you. Feel free to reach out and contact 1 of us and we can actually help. Walk anyone off the ledge. Yeah. On the ledge, so in closing, I just want to say if your question wasn't answered, we're sorry about that. Please do email it to us. And we will answer it and then there were several comments about public reporting. I just want to say. 2 things, not every registry has public reporting as an option. So, for instance, the impact registry is not publicly reporting. So, you won't have a dashboard there. The registry is publicly reporting. They have not traditionally had a footprint on the website about that, but we are looking to change that. Thanks, Amelia and Joan Michaels, the product manager for the TVT registry has been on a crusade. To make the public reporting experience better for TVT sites. So on that note, I think we should close. And again, thank you so much for joining. We had really phenomenal participation.
Video Summary
The video focuses on the transition to new, modernized dashboards for the ACC's NCDR registry. The introduction sets the context; several team members introduce themselves, highlighting their roles and time spent with the organization. Key historical challenges with the legacy dashboards included slow functionality and a lack of flexibility, prompting a need for modernization and the incorporation of customer feedback into the development of new dashboards. Enhancements were made to ensure faster data rendering and greater flexibility, like benchmarking comparisons and improved export features.<br /><br />The team addressed various aspects of the dashboard, including new features and upcoming enhancements, such as improved color displays, alert icons, and professional-level dashboard reports. They also discussed questions and feedback from users, emphasizing that the transition process is ongoing, with continuous evaluations to further enhance the user experience.<br /><br />Speakers encouraged participants to engage with the dashboard, highlighting the feedback-driven process and the ultimate goal of delivering a more efficient, useful product. The session concluded with an invitation to direct unanswered questions to the team via email for further clarification.
EP Device Implant Registry
cardiac procedures
data collection
patient care
device safety
modernized dashboards
NCDR registry
legacy challenges
customer feedback
data rendering
benchmarking comparisons
user experience
dashboard enhancements
feedback-driven process
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