NCDR Domestic and International Onboarding - Non-C ...
19.1 Lesson 12: A Summary of What's Different for ...
19.1 Lesson 12: A Summary of What's Different for International Participants
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Video Transcription
Welcome to this series of instructional videos directed towards onboarding education for our NCDR international community. The content in these lessons was developed by David Bonner and myself. My name is John Jarratt and I will also be narrating this lesson. Now let's look at what information is required to be provided in your site profile and what information will not be required for international participants. All facility information must be provided to NCDR except for these three fields. The National Provider Identification or NPI number is provided by Medicare in the United States of America and is not issued internationally. This field will be assigned by the American College of Cardiology and no action is required by your facility. The Medicare Provider Number or MPN is issued by Medicare in the United States of America and is not issued internationally. This field will be assigned by the American College of Cardiology and no action is required by your facility. The American Hospital Association Number or AHA is issued by the American Hospital Association in the United States of America and is not issued internationally. This field will be assigned by the American College of Cardiology and no action is required by your facility. The number of lab suites and cardiologist information is not required by international participants and no action is requested. Cath lab staffing full-time employee personnel information is not required by international participants and no action is requested. As you begin data entry for your patients, you will first have to create a demographics account for each individual patient. These demographics are interoperable with all NCDR registries and will only have to be entered one time. If your patient comes back to your facility for a subsequent visit, please use the same demographic information and simply add a visit to the existing patient demographics. Within the ACC online data collection tool demographics, you will notice a sequence number asking for the patient social security number. The social security number is a number issued within the United States of America by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and applies only to USA domestic facilities. This number is irrelevant to international participants. Therefore, as an international participant, please select social security number not applicable for all patients. Additionally, the patient zip code information will not be used for international patients. So again, please make sure you select zip code not applicable for all international patients. This information only applies to international participating facilities. Within the ACC online data collection tool episode of care tab, you will notice a sequence number asking if the patient has health insurance. This information is directed to USA facilities only and therefore all international participants must enter no for this question. On the same page, you'll notice a question about the patient's HIC number. The health insurance claim or HIC number is the unique identifier issued to all Medicare eligible beneficiaries by either the Social Security Administration or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This field only applies to the United States of America and should not be filled out by international participants. This field has a threshold of zero and should be left blank. Do not fill in this question. Patient restriction indicates if the patient requested for their information to not be used for any research or studies for the associated episode of care. This is also relevant to the USA only and should be left in the off position for all international facilities. The off position is reflected by the gray color displayed by default in this example. If a registry asked this question with a yes or no option, please click no. This information only applies to international participating facilities. You will see in this example that the procedure information tab has two fields, both requiring information from the operator performing a specific procedure. This question may be located on different pages throughout the NCDR registry products, but the process for answering this is the same, regardless of the location of this type of question. When answering operator questions within the registry, click on the please select drop down box. This will initiate a drop down box of your operating physicians. Simply choose which physician performed each specific procedure and the information will capture and save to the patient form. Here's a very important question. How did the operator information get into a drop down list? And here's the answer to that question. Each NCDR registry maintains a master list of operating physicians, which are provided by the registry site manager, and they're unique to your facility. The purpose of this list is to ensure accurate operator information is consistently entered into the registry. So where is this information stored within the registry? To access the operator or provider maintenance, please navigate to data at the left navigation bar. Note the provider maintenance tab and click here. Your provider maintenance page will appear, and this is where you are able to create a drop down listing for all of your operators. Once an operator name, NPI number, type, active status and registry has been provided, the operator will be added to the database. After the profile for each operator is created, there's no other requirement. This operator will be available in all drop down listings. Asking who performed a specific procedure. So basically, this is a one time entry to create a profile for each operator in your facility. This process is the same for United States of America facilities as for international facilities, with one exception. Because there is no need for international participants to have an NPI number for their physicians, NCDR will auto populate all NPI numbers for international facilities only. All United States domestic participants must continue to enter NPI numbers associated with each unique physician. Here are a few more examples of when this drop down list of operators is necessary to complete a patient data form. Discharge provider identification number, admitting provider identification number, attending provider identification number, diagnostic cath operator identification and percutaneous coronary intervention or PCI identification number. This concludes this presentation. Now that you have completed this education, please click on the next lesson in the left navigation menu. Thank you for your participation. This is a production of the Center for Public Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Video Summary
This video provides instructional information for onboarding international participants in the NCDR community. The lesson covers the required and non-required information for site profiles, including facility information and specific fields like National Provider Identification (NPI) number, Medicare Provider Number (MPN), and American Hospital Association (AHA) number, which are only applicable to US facilities. The video explains how to create demographics accounts for patients, clarifies that social security numbers and zip codes are not relevant for international participants, and discusses health insurance and patient restriction information that only applies to US facilities. It also explains how to answer operator-related questions and create drop-down lists for operators in the registry. The video is produced by the Center for Public Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
international participants
site profiles
facility information
demographics accounts
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