NCDR Domestic and International Onboarding - Non-C ...
19.1 Lesson 2 Individual User and Site Profile
19.1 Lesson 2 Individual User and Site Profile
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Video Transcription
Welcome to this series of instructional videos directed towards onboarding education for our NCDR international community. The content in these lessons was developed by David Bonner and myself. My name is John Jarratt and I will also be narrating this lesson. As the Registry Site Manager, it's important to complete all three tabs in the Administration link at the left navigation bar. The first of these links is the Individual Profile. The Individual Profile is the dedicated space provided to maintain your personal contact information and email preferences. All activity performed by each user will be accessible to the Registry Site Manager and work within the Registry Data Collection Tool will be marked with a date and time stamp associated with your username. Profiles may not be deleted once created, but access may be granted or revoked by the Registry Site Manager. All users must have his or her own individual profile created before working in the Registry. Sharing of profiles is prohibited. Every user of the Registry should have his or her own unique individual profile. Within this profile, each space must be filled in with an answer, especially concerning contact information such as current phone number and email addresses. NCDR provides the opportunity for each user to receive event emails, which are generated by our systems. When data submission files have been processed, documents are available for downloading, FAQs are updated, outcomes reports are published, or dynamic lists are updated. Each user may select or deselect any of these preferences at will. The next step for the Registry Site Manager is to complete the facility site profile. Information included in the site profile is used for select purposes and therefore contractually required for your facility to supply NCDR with current hospital demographic information. Information must be updated at least twice per calendar year. Information collected in the site profile is used in benchmark reporting for NCDR dashboard metrics, as well as Registry-specific benchmark static reports, dashboard comparators, volume groups, research, and public reporting, such as Find Your Heart a Home, which is available worldwide. Access to the site profile requires appropriate privilege assigned by the Registry Site Manager. This tab allows users with update site profile privilege to maintain vital information about the institution that is contractually required for participation in the Registry. The site profile must be completed by the RSM after initially logging into the site. At a minimum, the RSM is required to update the site profile on an annual basis. The RSM must also update the site profile as information about the institution changes throughout the year. The site profile must be completed before submitting data to the NCDR. To begin completing your site profile, please click the link at the top of the page, which will provide a data dictionary specific to the site profile elements. This dictionary will help guide you as you provide necessary information to the Registry. Please note, your site profile must be completed and stay updated as specified in your Registry contract with NCDR. The first section of your site profile page is managed by NCDR. These fields are static and may not be changed by any participant. As stated earlier, your participant ID number is assigned to your facility by NCDR and will remain the same from year to year. Please make sure you provide your PID number to NCDR during all communications, via phone or email. Every facility also has a unique encryption key for each Registry in which they participate, which is designed to keep all patient and hospital data confidential while files are delivered back and forth between NCDR and your hospital facility. Your paid through and contract dates are listed for your convenience, and the Registry provides a view of the last person who accessed the Registry in addition to the date that access occurred. It's important to remember that sharing of individual profiles is prohibited, and once a profile is created, it will always remain in the Registry for historical memory. Profiles may not be deleted. Now let's look at what information is required to be provided in your site profile, and what information will not be required for international participants. All facility information must be provided to NCDR except for these three fields. The National Provider Identification, or NPI, number is provided by Medicare in the United States of America and is not issued internationally. This field will be assigned by the American College of Cardiology, and no action is required by your facility. The Medicare Provider Number, or MPN, is issued by Medicare in the United States of America and is not issued internationally. This field will be assigned by the American College of Cardiology, and no action is required by your facility. The American Hospital Association Number, or AHA, is issued by the American Hospital Association in the United States of America and is not issued internationally. This field will be assigned by the American College of Cardiology, and no action is required by your facility. All participants, whether domestic or international, must provide Privacy Officer information to the NCDR. A Privacy Officer is the individual designated by your organization to develop, implement, and oversee the organization's compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act privacy rules. If you do not know who your Privacy Officer is, please contact your administration. International participants should complete this section of the site profile with the appropriate staff designated to this role. However, if there is no Privacy Officer designated at your facility, please fill in the fields with your Registry Site Manager information. All participants must provide a complete address of the physical location of their facility. In addition, all participants must provide a complete billing address. Annual procedure volume information is also required for all participants. Procedure volume values do not have to be exact numbers, but they need to be as close to accurate as possible. Procedure volume information is used in dashboards, benchmark reporting, public reporting, and more. Facility payer information must also be completed for all sites. Again, please provide accurate information, which may be zero for international participants. The Registry Site Manager is responsible for assigning roles to the various users of the registry. Not all assigned users will have the same level of privileges, and some may not have access to the registry at all. Regardless, there are four key staff which are necessary to ensure good communications between the NCDR and your facility. The RSM, as stated earlier, is required to manage the registry-specific website and registry staff. This manager grants privileges, assigns roles, communicates with NCDR, and is the main point of contact for the NCDR Clinical Quality Advisor and product management teams. Every registry product should have its own RSM, but there is only one space for one RSM per registry at a time. The medical director should be identified as a liaison to the physician community at your facility. He or she should be a physician leader or champion for the registries. The billing contact is required to assist with essential numbers and questions related to billing and re-enrollment information. The executive sponsor is responsible for broad oversight for the data and outcomes for your facility. Each of these roles are important to the success of your registry, but as stated earlier, they do not necessarily need to access the registry. Registry access privileges will be discussed in the upcoming slides about site user administration. All participants must provide their selections of population selection, submission population, and submission population options where applicable. This selection will impact how the data is reported and is an important part of meeting specific reporting criteria for each hospital. Procedure information must be completed by all international participants in applicable registries. The number of lab suites and cardiologist information is not required by international participants and no action is requested. Path lab staffing full-time employee personnel information is not required by international participants and no action is requested. After all site profile information is completed, please remember to click submit at the bottom of the site profile page. By clicking submit, your values will be recorded and your facility information will be considered updated. Please be sure to update your site profile information as changes occur during the year or at a minimum twice per year. If your site profile is not completed, you will receive a warning each time you log into the registry. The warning will not allow you to view important information on the announcements pages, so please be sure to acknowledge this warning if you see it and keep your site profile updated. This concludes our presentation. Thank you for your participation.
Video Summary
This video provides instructional guidance for the onboarding education for the NCDR international community. The narrator, John Jarratt, explains the importance of completing the three tabs in the Administration link, specifically focusing on the Individual Profile and the Facility Site Profile. The Individual Profile is where users maintain their personal contact information and email preferences. The Facility Site Profile is used to provide current hospital demographic information and is essential for participation in the Registry. The video also discusses the roles of the Registry Site Manager, the required facility information, and the necessary staff for good communication between NCDR and the facility. The video concludes by emphasizing the importance of updating the site profile regularly and submitting the information. No credits are granted.
onboarding education
NCDR international community
Administration link
Individual Profile
Facility Site Profile
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