STS/ACC TVT v3 Education
Common Data Element Education Part 2 (Video 8:20)
Common Data Element Education Part 2 (Video 8:20)
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Video Transcription
Forced expiratory volume has had a change in target value and in title from version 2.1 to version 3.0. In version 2.1, sequence 5280 FEV1 present predicted had a target value of the last value between 6 months prior to the procedure and start of the procedure. In version 3, sequence 13216 Forced expiratory volume in 1 second predicted now has a target value of the last value between 12 months prior to arrival and start of the first procedure. Sequence 13218 DLCO predicted has had both a sequence name change and a target value change. In version 2.1, DLCO was assessed by the adjusted value. In version 3.0, DLCO will be assessed by the predicted value. The target value has changed from version 2.1 that captured the last value between 6 months prior to the procedure and start of the procedure to version 3.0 which states to capture the last value between 12 months prior to arrival and start of the first procedure. Sequence 5055 Nonventricular Paced QRS Duration is a new data element that is applicable to mitral clip, mitral replacement, and tricuspid procedures. The QRS is coded on a surface 12 lead ECG only and is not coded on an intracardiac ECG. When an ECG is not available, a rhythm strip or physician documentation may be used for coding purposes. Sequence 5045 Only Ventricular Paced QRS Complexes Present is a new data element that is applicable to mitral clip, mitral replacement, and tricuspid procedures. This data element only assesses if 100% paced complexes are present. When the patient has any intrinsic beats, please code NO for this data element. When an ECG is not available, a rhythm strip or physician documentation may be used for coding. Sequence 13317 Mitral Valve Mean Gradient is now under the parent field of pre-procedure echocardiogram findings. When coding this data element, please ensure that the results of an echocardiogram are used. If the data element is obtained by CT or MRI, please leave this data element blank. Sequence 7066 Concomitant Procedures Performed Type is the child field for Sequence 7065 Concomitant Procedures Performed. This data element has replaced Sequence 6620 Other Procedure Performed Concurrently from Version 2.1. The list is broken down by procedure type in Sequence 7066 instead of all procedures grouped under one heading. This list is dynamic and can be changed if there are any needed additions. Please contact us when there are procedures not available for selection so that we may further review for consideration. Multiple procedures may be entered if applicable. Sequence 13331 Anesthesia Type has additional selections of deep sedation and minimal sedation. When the patient receives more than one type of anesthesia during the procedure, please code the highest level in Version 3.0. If the patient receives an epidural, please code minimal sedation as there is no sedation being administered that affects mentation. Sequence 13505 Procedure Aborted An aborted procedure data element has been added to the Mitral Clip Module. With the launch of Version 3.0, Mitral Clip procedures will be coded the same as TAVR and TMVR procedures. If the patient enters the procedure room for any transcatheter procedure, the data collection tool will be completed through the discharge section. If a device is not attempted to be deployed to any degree, 30-day and 1-year follow-up will not be required. Sequence 7423 Mechanical Ventricular Support Device is a child field of Sequence 7422 Mechanical Ventricular Support. The selection is made from a dynamic list on the data collection tool and contains additional selections of those from Version 2.1. For Sequence 7423, if multiple mechanical support devices are used on the current procedure, please capture the highest level of support. Sequence 12153 Intra or Post Procedure Events will now be available on the data collection tool. The definitions will be available in the Data Dictionary instead of referencing the Adverse Event Definition document on the document's home page. The adverse events that appear for each procedure will apply only to that procedure. Sequence 12153 Intra and Post Procedure Event has a new target value in Version 3.0. Version 2.1 captured any occurrence between start of the procedure and discharge. Version 3.0 Intra or Post Procedure Event will capture any occurrence between start of procedure and until next procedure or discharge. For the registry, a next procedure is any new transcatheter valve procedure. Sequence 14275 Intra and Post Procedure Event Date carries the same updated target value for Version 3.0 as Sequence 12153 Intra and Post Procedure Event. Sequence 10116 Cardiac Rehabilitation Referral is new to the registry and aligns with the Chest Pain MI Registry. For the 2018 ACC AHA Clinical Performance and Quality Measures for Cardiac Rehab, a referral is defined as documented communication between the health care provider and the patient to recommend an outpatient cardiac rehab program and an official referral is sent to the outpatient cardiac rehab program or there is documentation of patient refusal to justify why patient information was not sent to the cardiac rehab program. This is met if Steps 1 and either 2A Official Referral Order Transmitted or 2B Patient Refusal Documentation in the Medical Record are completed. All communication must maintain appropriate confidentiality as outlined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. All patient information required for enrollment should be transmitted to the cardiac rehab program. Sequence 10120 Death During the Procedure replaces Sequence 9060 Death in Lab or OR from Version 2.1. When the death occurs during a concurrent procedure such as PCI or a Watchman procedure in the same lab visit, please code YES for both registries. However, if the patient had a transcatheter valve procedure and then had a PCI or LAAO procedure on a different lab visit and experienced a patient death, Sequence 10120 would be coded as NO for the TVT registry and would be captured in either the CAF PCI registry or the LAAO registry as applicable.
Video Summary
Several changes have been made in version 3.0 of the data collection tool for cardiac procedures. Forced expiratory volume and DLCO predicted values now have different target values and assessment methods. Two new data elements, Nonventricular Paced QRS Duration and Only Ventricular Paced QRS Complexes Present, have been added. Mitral Valve Mean Gradient is now included under pre-procedure echocardiogram findings. Concomitant Procedures Performed has a new child field for procedure types. Anesthesia Type has additional selections. A new data element, Procedure Aborted, has been added for Mitral Clip procedures. Mechanical Ventricular Support Device now has updated selections. Intra or Post Procedure Events has a new target value and date field. Cardiac Rehabilitation Referral aligns with the Chest Pain MI Registry. Death During the Procedure replaces a previous data element and has specific instructions for concurrent procedures.
data collection tool
cardiac procedures
version 3.0
forced expiratory volume
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