STS/ACC TVT v3 Education
Provider - NPI (Video 1:21)
Provider - NPI (Video 1:21)
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Video Transcription
Sequence 3050, admitting provider's last name, is a new data element and may be voluntarily entered at the discretion of your facility. NCDR will use the data to provide reporting at the physician level, which may assist physicians with demonstrating value-based care as well as support your facility's engagement in quality improvement efforts. The admitting provider's first name, middle name, and NPI number are also voluntarily entered. Please keep in mind that when entering Sequence 3052, admitting provider's middle name, if the provider does not have a middle name, please leave this blank. Sequence 10070, discharge provider's last name, is also a new data element and may be voluntarily entered at the discretion of your facility. This data element is located in the Discharge section of the Data Dictionary. The discharge provider's first name, middle name, and NPI number are also voluntarily entered. And as with our previous slide, if the provider does not have a middle name, please leave this data element blank.
Video Summary
The video discusses two new data elements for healthcare facilities. The first is Sequence 3050, which is the admitting provider's last name. It can be entered voluntarily and will be used by the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) for reporting at the physician level. This information can help demonstrate value-based care and support quality improvement efforts. The admitting provider's first name, middle name, and NPI number can also be entered voluntarily. The second data element is Sequence 10070, which is the discharge provider's last name. Like the previous one, it can be entered voluntarily and is located in the Discharge section of the Data Dictionary. The discharge provider's first name, middle name, and NPI number can also be entered voluntarily.
Sequence 3050
admitting provider's last name
National Cardiovascular Data Registry
value-based care
quality improvement efforts
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