STS/ACC TVT v3 Education
Sequence# 10205 - Discharge Medications Prescribed ...
Sequence# 10205 - Discharge Medications Prescribed (Video 3:17)
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Video Transcription
Sequence 10205, Discharge Medications Prescribed, will now align with other registries such as CAF-PCI, ICD, chest pain MI, and AFib. Per the data dictionary, not prescribed medical reason is coded for sequence 10205 if the medication was not prescribed for discharge and there was a reason documented related to the medical issue or medical concern for not prescribing the medicine at discharge. General documentation of why the medication was not prescribed, such as physician documentation that the medication was contraindicated without supplying the exact contraindication, supports coding not prescribed medical reason. Not prescribed patient reason is coded when the medication was not prescribed post-procedure or for discharge and there was a reason documented related to the patient's preference at discharge. If there is no patient or medical reason documented and the medication was not prescribed at discharge, please code not prescribed, no reason, as the reason the medication was not prescribed will not be assumed. For sequence 10205, Discharge Medications Prescribed, documentation that is acceptable to support no medical reason should include a specific reason the medication was not prescribed. Examples of acceptable documentation include existing medical condition, such as renal disease, hypotension, angioedema, an aspirin intolerance or allergy to the medication, active bleeding, or oral anticoagulation therapy as pre-arrival medication, as medical exception to aspirin. For sequence 10205, Examples of Acceptable Documentation, continued, specific reasons for not prescribing one medication applies to the entire class. It gives the physician credit for addressing the medication and assumes the reason provided applies to the entire class of medication. As an example, documentation of no plavix due to bleeding risk supports coding no medical reason for all P2Y12 inhibitors. Sequence 10205, Discharge Medications Prescribed, continued, documentation that is acceptable to support no patient reason should include a patient-centered reason the medication was not prescribed. Examples include provider documentation that the medication was not prescribed due to documentation providing that the patient cannot afford the medication and therefore it was not prescribed or documentation providing patient refusal of prescription and therefore it was not a discharge medication.
Video Summary
Sequence 10205, Discharge Medications Prescribed, will now align with other registries and requires specific documentation to support the reasons why a medication was not prescribed. If the medication was not prescribed for discharge due to a medical reason, documentation related to the medical issue or concern should be provided. If the medication was not prescribed due to a patient preference, documentation supporting the patient's refusal or inability to afford the medication should be included. If there is no documentation of a medical or patient reason, the medication will be coded as not prescribed, no reason. It is important to provide specific reasons for not prescribing a medication, and these reasons may apply to a class of medications.
Discharge Medications Prescribed
specific documentation
medication not prescribed
medical reason
patient preference
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