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1121 - ACPC Quality Network Learning Session - MOC Part 4, Change Management and Metric 034 Overview
Statement of Need


Participants will connect with other CHD centers for sharing of best practices and networking during ACPC Quality Network Quarterly Learning Sessions.

This recording aims to:

  • Provide participants with key program updates;
  • Outline the process for obtaining MOC Part 4 credit through ACPC Quality Network’s six approved QI activities;
  • Introduce the concept of change management and discuss eight steps to effectively lead transformation efforts and hardwire improvements into organizational culture; and
  • Present an overview of the development, piloting, and implementation processes for ACPC Quality Network’s Non-invasive Imaging Metrics and launch Metric 034: Initial Fetal Echocardiogram Image Quality Metric.
Availability: On-Demand
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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