CV ASC Registry Education
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1 of 3 - CV-ASC-Diagnostic Only Education - Master
CV-ASC-DiagnosticOnlyEducation-Master-1of3 - PDF
CV-ASC-DiagnosticOnlyEducation-Master-2of3 - PDF
CV-ASC-DiagnosticOnlyEducation-Master-3of3 - PDF
1 of 3 - CV-ASC-Permanent Pacemaker Education - Master
1 of 4-CV-ASC-ICD-Education-LC
1 of 4-CV-ASC-ICD-Education-LC - PDF
2 of 4-CV-ASC-ICD-Education-LC - PDF
3 of 4-CV-ASC-ICD-Education-LC PDF
4 of 4-CV-ASC-ICD-Education-LC - PDF
1 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master
1 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master - PDF
2 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master - PDF
3 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master - PDF
4 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master - PDF
5 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master - PDF
2 of 3 - CV-ASC-Diagnostic Only Education - Master
2 of 3 - CV-ASC-Permanent Pacemaker Education - Master
2 of 4-CV-ASC-ICD-Education-LC
2 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master
3 of 3 - CV-ASC-Diagnostic Only Education - Master
3 of 3 - CV-ASC-Permanent Pacemaker Education - Master
3 of 4-CV-ASC-ICD-Education-LC
3 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master
Seq#3001 (Arrival Date and Time)
4 of 4-CV-ASC-ICD-Education-LC
4 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Cardiac Arrest
ICD Pathway Condition History’s Child Fields
5 of 5-CVASC-PCI-Education-Master
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Cardiac Tamponade
Seq#15606 (CV ASC Pathway)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Hematoma (Re-op, evac, or transfusion)
ICD Pathway Condition History’s Child Fields - 4190, 4195
Seq#8015 (Lesion in Graft)
Seq#15510 (Condition History Occurrence)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Myocardial Infarction
ICD Pathway Condition History’s Child Fields Sequence 4225, 4240, 4235, 4230
Seq#8016 (Type of CABG Graft)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Stroke
ICD Pathway Procedure History’s Child Fields 4305, 4310, 4315, 4320
Seq#8017 (Location in Graft)
Seq#15511 (Procedure History Occurrence)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types Requiring a Diagnosis
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Cardiac Arrest
Seq#8019 (Lesion Complexity)
CathPCI Pathways Condition History’s Child Field
Seq#15695 (Procedure Room Exit Date and Time)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Cardiac Tamponade
Seq#8018 (Navigate through Graft to Native Lesion)
Seq#4011 (New York Heart Association Classification)
Seq#15702 (Suspected Condition(s))
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Hematoma (Re-op, evac, or transfusion)
Seq#15512 (Procedure History Date)
Seq#3001 (Arrival Date and Time)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Myocardial Infarction
Seq#8021 (Severe Calcification)
Seq#4010 (NYHA Functional Classification)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Stroke
Seq#8022 (Bifurcation Lesion)
Seq#4013 (Heart Failure Type)
Seq#4150 (Prior LVEF Assessed)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types Requiring a Diagnosis
Seq#8023 (Guidewire Across Lesion)
Seq#4561 (Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA) Clinical Frailty Scale)
Seq#4160 (Most Recent LVEF %)
Seq# 3001 (Arrival Date and Time)
Seq#8024 (Device Deployed)
Seq#5032 (Electrocardiac Assessment Results)
Seq#4225 (Most Recent Cardiac Arrest Date)
Seq#10101 (Discharge Date and Time)
Seq#8025 (Stenosis (Post-Intervention))
Seq#5033 (New Antiarrhythmic Therapy Initiated Prior to Cath Lab)
Seq#4240 (Bradycardia Arrest)
Seq#10105 (Discharge Status)
Seq#8026 (TIMI Flow (Post-Intervention))
Seq#5037 (Electrocardiac Assessment Method)
Seq#4400 (Atrial Fibrillation Classification)
Seq#10110 (Discharge Location)
Seq#8028 (Intracoronary Device(s) Used)
Seq#4295 (Most Recent MI Date)
Seq#10200 (Discharge Medication Code)
Seq#8030 (Intracoronary Device Associated Lesion)
Seq#5203 (Stress Test Risk-Extent of Ischemia)
Seq#6025 (Blood Urea Nitrogen (Pre-Procedure))
Seq#10205 (Discharge Medications Prescribed)
Seq#8031-8032 (Intracoronary Device Diameter-Length)
Seq#5220 (Cardiac CTA Performed)
Seq#6030 (Hemoglobin (Pre-Procedure))
Seq#14720 (Ventricular Fibrillation Date)
Seq#9146 (Significant Coronary Artery Dissection)
Seq#5226 (Cardiac CTA Date)
Seq#7000 (Procedure Start Date and Time)
Seq#14730 (Bradycardia Indication Present)
Seq#8000 (Lesion Counter)
Seq#5256 (Agatston Calcium Score Assessed)
Seq#6035 (Sodium (Pre-Procedure))
Seq#14731 (Reason Pacing Indicated)
Seq#8001 (Native Lesion Segment Number)
Seq#5227 (Cardiac CTA Results)
Seq#7020 (Premarket Clinical Trial)
Seq#14732 (Shared Decision Making)
Seq#8004 (Stenosis Immediately Prior to Treatment)
Seq#5255 (Agatston Calcium Score)
Seq#10101 (Discharge Date and Time)
Seq#14739 (His-Left Bundle Lead)
Seq#8007 (TIMI Flow (Pre-Intervention))
Seq#5202 (Stress Test Results)
Seq#10105 (Discharge Status)
Seq#15510 (Condition History Occurrence)
Seq#8008 (Previously Treated Lesion)
Seq#5257 (Agatston Calcium Score Date)
Seq#10110 (Discharge Location)
Seq#15511 (Procedure History Occurrence)
Seq#8009 (Previously Treated Lesion Date)
Seq#5263 (Prior Diagnostic Coronary Angiography Procedure without intervention)
Seq#10200 (Discharge Medication Code)
Seq#15512 (Procedure History Date)
Seq#8010 (Treated with Stent)
Seq#5204 (Stress Test Date)
Seq#10205 (Discharge Medications Prescribed)
Seq#15605 (Facility Classification Type)
Seq#8011 (In-stent Restenosis)
Seq#15694 (Procedure Room Entry Date and Time)
Seq#14731 (Reason Pacing Indicated)
Seq#15606 (CV ASC Pathway)
Seq#8012 (In-stent Thrombosis)
Seq#5265 (Prior Diagnostic Coronary Angiography Procedure without intervention Results)
Seq#14732 (Shared Decision Making)
Seq#15607 (Procedure Type)
Seq#8005 (Chronic Total Occlusion)
Seq#6030 (Hemoglobin (PreProcedure)
Seq#14739 (His-Left Bundle Lead)
Seq#15608 (Emergent Transfer to Acute Care Hospital)
Seq#6050 (Creatinine (PreProcedure)
Seq#15510 (Condition History Occurrence)
Seq#15694 (Procedure Room Entry Date and Time)
CathPCI Pathways Condition History’s Child Field
Seq#6100 (Total Cholesterol (PreProcedure)
Seq#15511 (Procedure History Occurrence)
Seq#15695 (Procedure Room Exit Date and Time)
Seq#15510 (Condition History Occurrence)
Seq#6105 (High-Density Lipoprotein (PreProcedure)
Seq#15512 (Procedure History Date)
Seq#15702 (Suspected Condition(s))
Seq#15511 (Procedure History Occurrence)
Seq#5264 (Prior Diagnostic Coronary Angiography Procedure without intervention Date)
Seq#15605 (Facility Classification Type)
Seq#4010 (NYHA Functional Classification)
Seq#15512 (Procedure History Date)
Seq#6991 (PreProcedure Medication Administered)
Seq#15608 (Emergent Transfer to Acute Care Hospital)
Seq#4150 (Prior LVEF Assessed)
Seq#15605 (Facility Classification Type)
Seq#7000 (Procedure Start Date and Time)
Seq#7005 (Procedure End Date and Time)
Seq#4155 (Most Recent LVEF Date)
Seq#15606 (CV ASC Pathway)
Seq#14728 (Dose Area Product)
Seq#7620 (Device Implanted)
Seq#4160 (Most Recent LVEF %)
Seq#15607 (Procedure Type)
Seq#15607 (Procedure Type)
Seq#7625 (Final Device Type)
Seq#4170 (Syndromes with Risk of Sudden Death Type)
Seq#15694 (Procedure Room Entry Date and Time)
Seq#15695 (Procedure Room Exit Date and Time)
Seq#7630 (Coronary Sinus-Left Ventricular (CS-LV) lead)
Seq#4205 (Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Timeframe) #4210
Seq#15695 (Procedure Room Exit Date and Time)
Seq#6016 (Systolic Blood Pressure)
Seq#7635 (Implant Device ID)
Seq#4295 (Most Recent MI Date)
Seq#3001 (Arrival Date and Time)
Seq#7005 (Procedure End Date and Time)
Seq#7640 (Implant Device Serial Number)
Seq#4510 (Cardiomyopathy Prior to PCI)
Seq#7060 (Diagnostic Left Heart Cath)
Seq#7650 (Reason(s) for Generator Replacement)
Seq#4530 (Cardiomyopathy Prior to CABG)
Seq#4011 (New York Heart Association Classification)
Seq#7060 (LVEF % (Diagnostic Left Heart Cath)
Seq#7660 (Device Explanted)
Seq#4545 (Structural Abnormality Type)
Seq#4012 (Heart Failure Newly Diagnosed)
Seq#7065 (Concomitant Procedures Performed)
Seq#7665 (Prior Generator Explant Date)
Seq#5000 (Electrophysiology Study)
Seq#4013 (Heart Failure Type)
Seq#7066 (Concomitant Procedures Performed Type)
Seq#7680 (Explant Device Serial Number)
Seq#5005 (Electrophysiology Study Date)
Seq#4561 (Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA) Clinical Frailty Scale)
Seq#7210 (Cumulative Air Kerma)
Seq#5015 (Clinically Relevant Ventricular Arrythmias Induced)
Seq#7214 (Fluoroscopy Time)
Seq#7715 (Lead Identification)
Seq#6025 (Blood Urea Nitrogen (PreProcedure))
Seq#5032 (Electrocardiac Assessment Results)
Seq#7215 (Contrast Volume)
Seq#7720 (Lead Identification Number)
Seq#6030 (Hemoglobin (PreProcedure))
Seq#5033 (New Antiarrhythmic Therapy Initiated Prior to Cath Lab)
Seq#7320 (Arterial Access Site)
Seq#7725 (Lead Serial Number)
Seq#6035 (Sodium (PreProcedure))
Seq#5034 (Electrocardiac Abnormality Type)
Seq#7325 (Arterial Cross Over)
Seq#7000 (Procedure Start Date and Time)
Seq#5037 (Electrocardiac Assessment Method)
Seq#7331 (Arterial Access Closure Method)
Seq#7740 (Existing Lead Implant Date)
Seq#7005 (Procedure End Date and Time)
Seq#5200 (Stress Test Performed)
Seq#7400 (Indications for Cath Lab Visit)
Seq#7745 (Existing Lead Status)
Seq#7015 (ICD Indication)
Seq#5201 (Stress Test Performed Type)
Seq#7405 (Chest Pain Symptom Assessment)
Seq#7765 (Explant Device ID)
Seq#7020 (Premarket Clinical Trial)
Seq#5202 (Stress Test Results)
Seq#10101 (Discharge Date and Time)
Seq#9001 (Intra or Post Procedure Events)
Seq#7620 (Device Implanted)
Seq#5203 (Stress Test Risk-Extent of Ischemia)
Seq#10105 (Discharge Status)
Seq#9002 (Intra-Post Procedure Events Occurred)
Seq#7625 (Final Device Type)
Seq#5204 (Stress Test Date)
Seq#10110 (Discharge Location)
Seq#9255 (Set Screw Problem)
Seq#7630 (Coronary Sinus - Left Ventricular (CS LV) lead)
Seq#5220 (Cardiac CTA Performed)
Seq#10200 (Discharge Medication Code)
Seq#9260 (Lead Dislodgement)
Seq#7635 (Implant Device ID)
Seq#5226 (Cardiac CTA Date)
Seq#10205 (Discharge Medications Prescribed)
Seq#9266 (Lead Location (Dislodgement))
Seq#7640 (Implant Device Serial Number)
Seq#5227 (Cardiac CTA Results)
Seq#10207 (Discharge Medication Dose)
Seq#15607 (Procedure Type)
Seq#7650 (Reason(s) for Generator Replacement)
Seq#5255 (Agatston Calcium Score)
Seq#15702 (Suspected Condition(s))
Seq#15606 (CV ASC Pathway)
Seq#7660 (Device Explanted)
Seq#5256 (Agatston Calcium Score Assessed)
Seq#15546 (Patient or Medical Reason for Not Prescribing a High-Dose Statin)
Seq#15694 (Procedure Room Entry Date and Time)
Seq#7665 (Prior Generator Explant Date)
Seq#5257 (Agatston Calcium Score Date)
Seq#15608 (Emergent Transfer to Acute Care Hospital)
Seq#7680 (Explant Device Serial Number)
Seq#5263 (Prior Diagnostic Coronary Angiography Procedure without intervention)
Seq#7508-7528 (Native-Graft Coronary Vessel Stenosis)
Seq#5264 (Prior Diagnostic Coronary Angiography Procedure without intervention Date)
Seq#7511-7531 (Native-Graft Vessel Adjunctive Measurements Obtained)
Seq#7715 (Lead Identification)
Seq#5265 (Prior Diagnostic Coronary Angiography Procedure without intervention Results)
Seq#7512-7532 (Native-Graft Vessel Fractional Flow Reserve Ratio)
Seq#7720 (Lead Identification Number)
Seq#7513-7533 (Native-Graft Vessel Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio)
Seq#7725 (Lead Serial Number)
Seq#7514-7534 (Native-Graft Vessel Intravascular Ultrasonography)
Seq#6016 (Systolic Blood Pressure)
Seq#7515-7535 (Native-Graft Vessel Optical Coherence Tomography)
Seq#7740 (Existing Lead Implant Date)
Seq#6030 (Hemoglobin (PreProcedure))
Seq#7529 (CABG Graft Vessel)
Seq#7745 (Existing Lead Status)
Seq#6050 (Creatinine (PreProcedure))
Seq#9001 (Intra or Post Procedure Events)
Seq#7765 (Explant Device ID)
Seq#6100 (Total Cholesterol (PreProcedure))
Seq#9002 (Intra-Post Procedure Events Occurred)
Seq#9001 (Intra or Post Procedure Events)
Seq#6105 (High-Density Lipoprotein (PreProcedure))
Seq#7507-7527 (Native Graft Lesion Segment Number)
Seq#9002 (Intra-Post Procedure Events Occurred)
Seq#6991 (PreProcedure Medication Administered)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Access Site
Seq#9255 (Set Screw Problem)
Seq#7000 (Procedure Start Date and Time)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Hematoma at access site
Seq#9260 (Lead Dislodgement)
Seq#7005 (Procedure End Date and Time)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Cardiac Arrest
Seq#9266 (Lead Location (Dislodgement))
Seq#7060 (Diagnostic Left Heart Cath)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Retroperitoneal
Ventricular Tachycardiac Type Hierarchy 4250, 4275, 4255, 4260, 4265, 4270
Seq#7060 (LVEF % (Diagnostic Left Heart Cath)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Other
Seq#7065 (Concomitant Procedures Performed)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Heart Failure
Seq#7065 (Concomitant Procedures Seq#7066 (Concomitant Procedures Performed Type)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Myocardial Infarction
Seq#7210 (Cumulative Air Kerma)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Stroke
Seq#7214 (Fluoroscopy Time)
Seq#7450 (Valvular Disease Stenosis Type)
Seq#7215 (Contrast Volume)
Seq#7451 (Valvular Disease Stenosis Severity)
Seq#7320 (Arterial Access Site)
Seq#7455 (Valvular Disease Regurgitation Type)
Seq#7325 (Arterial Cross Over)
Seq#7456 (Valvular Disease Regurgitation Severity)
Seq#7331 (Arterial Access Closure Method)
Seq#7465 (Evaluation for Surgery Type)
Seq#7466 (Functional Capacity)
Seq#7815 (Decision for PCI with Surgical Consult)
Seq#7816 (Cardiovascular Treatment Decision)
Seq#7469 (Solid Organ Transplant Surgery)
Seq#7820 (PCI for MultiVessel Disease)
Seq#7470 (Solid Organ Transplant Donor)
Seq#7821 (Multi-vessel Procedure Type)
Seq#7471 (Solid Organ Transplant Type)
Seq#7825 (PCI Indication)
Seq#7500 (Coronary Circulation Dominance)
Seq#7505-Seq#7525 (Native-Graft Vessel Stenosis)
Seq#7995 (Procedure Medications Administered)
Seq#5034 (Electrocardiac Abnormality Type)
Seq#7400 (Indications for Cath Lab Visit)
Seq#5200 (Stress Test Performed)
Seq#7405 (Chest Pain Symptom Assessment)
Seq#5201 (Stress Test Performed Type)
Seq#7450 (Valvular Disease Stenosis Type)
Seq#15605 (Facility Classification Type) (1)
Seq#7451 (Valvular Disease Stenosis Severity)
Seq#4012 (Heart Failure Newly Diagnosed)
Seq#7455 (Valvular Disease Regurgitation Type)
Seq#7456 (Valvular Disease Regurgitation Severity)
Seq#7465 (Evaluation for Surgery Type)
Seq#7466 (Functional Capacity)
Seq#7469 (Solid Organ Transplant Surgery)
Seq#7470 (Solid Organ Transplant Donor)
Seq#7471 (Solid Organ Transplant Type)
Seq#7500 (Coronary Circulation Dominance)
Seq#7505-Seq#7525 (Native-Graft Vessel Stenosis)
Seq#7507-7527 (Native - Graft Lesion Segment Number)
Seq#7508-7528 (Native-Graft Coronary Vessel Stenosis)
Seq#7511-7531 (Native-Graft Vessel Adjunctive Measurements Obtained)
Seq#7512-7532 (Native-Graft Vessel Fractional Flow Reserve Ratio)
Seq#7513-7533 (Native-Graft Vessel Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio)
Seq#7514-7534 (Native-Graft Vessel Intravascular Ultrasonography)
Seq#7515-7535 (Native-Graft Vessel Optical Coherence Tomography)
Seq#7529 (CABG Graft Vessel)
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Access Site
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Gastrointestinal
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Genitourinary
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Hematoma at access site
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Other
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Bleeding – Retroperitoneal
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Cardiac Arrest
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Cardiac Tamponade
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Cardiac TamponadeIntra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Cardiogenic Shock
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Heart Failure
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Myocardial Infarction
Intra or Post-Procedure Event Types - Stroke
Seq#9001 (Intra or Post Procedure Events)
Seq#9002 (Intra - Post Procedure Events Occurred)
Seq#9145 (Coronary Artery Perforation)
Seq #9146 (Significant Coronary Artery Dissection)
Seq#15608 (Emergent Transfer to Acute Care Hospital)
Seq#15702 (Suspected Condition(s)
Seq#10200 (Discharge Medication Code)
Seq#10116 (Cardiac Rehabilitation Referral)
Seq#10110 (Discharge Location)
Seq#10105 (Discharge Status)
Seq#10101 (Discharge Date and Time)
Seq#10207 (Discharge Medication Dose)
Seq#10205 (Discharge Medications Prescribed)
Seq#9275 (Packed Red Blood Cell Transfusion)
Seq#15546 (Patient or Medical Reason for Not Prescribing a High-Dose Statin)
Seq#14728 (Dose Area Product)