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EP Device Implant Registry Metric Key 2057 – How Gaps in the Guidelines are Addressed in the AUC - CE

Statement of Need 

EP Device Implant participants will have a focused educational track which will measure their competency via pre- and post-test questioning. The focused goal is to improve cardiovascular care delivery through the understanding and use of metric-driven data. 

Overall Goal 

After participating in this activity, the learner will be prepared to: 

  • Practice the 3-step process to identify those patients who do not meet numerator criteria for Metric Key 2057.
  • Compare the tables in the 2013 AUC document to identify gaps in the guidelines.
  • Review metric data weekly.
  • Review numerator criteria weekly.  
Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Aug 01, 2027
Credit Offered:
1 CME Credit
1 CNE Credit
1 COP Credit
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