CV ASC Registry Education
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Video Transcription
Welcome, and thank you for joining this learning activity titled CVASC Registry Education. This first lesson has focused education on the interoperability and functionality of the demographics portion of the CVASC registry. After participation in this learning activity, the learner should be able to identify, discuss, and explore functionality within the demographics portion of the registry. Once the learner completes demographics education, they should continue with subsequent chapters for diagnostic only, PCI, ICD, and permanent pacemakers, where education then will focus on sequence numbers. We thank you for choosing the American College of Cardiology's CVASC Registry and would like to welcome you to the team. If you have any questions after watching these educational resources, please access the Contact Us feature on your registry homepage. Now, let's get started as we navigate the registry through this multi-chapter educational series. All NCDR registries gather patient demographics. Once a patient's demographic information has been entered, it is available to all other NCDR registries a facility participates. This section of education is not going to focus on how to code these data elements as they are explained in the data dictionary and even self-explanatory, but rather focus on interoperability of demographics as this creates a solid foundation of the fundamentals needed to know before entering a patient record. Each National Cardiovascular Data Registry has an online data collection tool that provides a web-based version of the data collection form for their respective registry. Registry participants must utilize the ACC online data collection tool or a certified third-party vendor tool, where applicable, to enter data. This portion of education is for participants who use the ACC data collection tool. For facilities who utilize approved third-party vendor data collection tools, we encourage collaboration with their experts to gain an understanding on how their tool operates and its functionalities. Now we will review utilizing the interoperability feature. Prior to entering a patient in the ACC data collection tool, it is best practice to perform a patient search. By entering all or a portion of the patient's information, if the patient has been previously added, the name will be returned here. Once the correct name is identified, select the add an episode icon. The term episode can be described as the time from patient arrival to discharge from your facility. The previously entered patient demographics will populate the new episode of care, and the user will then input data, saving as they go. If a patient's demographic information has been changed, such as the last name, should I enter a new patient or update the existing record? And the answer is update the existing record. A patient's demographic information is updated to accurately reflect their current information. After performing a patient search and locating the correct patient, edit the information and save. To demonstrate, after performing a patient search and locating the correct patient, edit the patient and save. So what happens when I update a patient's demographics? And the answer is any change made to a patient's demographics will override the previous demographic information and be visible whenever the patient or an episode associated with that patient is viewed. But what will happen if I delete a demographics page? Updating a patient's demographics will delete the patient from the ACC data collection tool and all records, regardless of the registry, associated with the patient will be removed. Please proceed with utmost caution when utilizing this feature. To demonstrate how to delete an existing patient, after you perform a patient search and locate the correct patient, select edit patient. After a second verification that this is the correct patient, you will now select delete patient and follow the prompts. How can I see all episodes of care associated with a patient in the ASC registry? And the answer is to select the view episodes icon. To demonstrate how to view episodes, after verifying the correct patient, you will select view episodes. Can demographics be shared between the ACC data collection online tool and the third party vendor data collection tool? And the answer to that is no. Interoperability of patient demographics is only supported when the participant utilizes the same data collection tool for multiple registries. Thank you for joining this learning activity titled CVASC Registry Education. Now that you've completed this first lesson on the interoperability and functionality of the demographics portion of the CVASC registry, we ask that you continue with subsequent chapters for diagnostic only, PCI, ICD, and permanent pacemakers.
Video Summary
The video transcript discusses the CVASC registry's focus on patient demographics, interoperability, and using the ACC data collection tool. Participants learn how to enter patient information, update records, and navigate through episodes of care. The importance of maintaining accurate patient data and utilizing the interoperability feature is highlighted. Notably, changes made to demographics will override previous information, and deleting a demographics page will remove all associated records. The video emphasizes the need for caution when using these features. Finally, it mentions the necessity of continuing with further chapters on diagnostic, PCI, ICD, and permanent pacemakers within the registry for a comprehensive learning experience.
CVASC registry
patient demographics
ACC data collection tool
accurate patient data
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