Introduction to Chest Pain - MI Registry v3 - Non- ...
2.1 Lesson 3
2.1 Lesson 3
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Video Transcription
Welcome to the Chest Pain MI Registry's Version 3 Education. The content in this presentation was developed and provided by Shelley Conine, Kristen Young, and Denise Pond. I am Kate Malish, and I will be narrating this presentation. This education will describe the data collection tool for the Chest Pain MI Registry Version 3. It is important to review the other Version 3 education modules focused on the data collection form and inclusion criteria. The objectives for Version 3 education are to outline Chest Pain MI Version 3 data collection options, new patient populations for inclusion, and NCDR sampling methodology for selected patient types. Identify new, revised, and retired data elements in Chest Pain MI Registry Version 3, data submission options using the full or basic dataset, and impacts of datasets on outcome reporting and registry achievement awards. Explain features of ACC online data collection tool and approaches to reduce data abstraction burden, such as registry interoperability. The first feature of the Version 3 data collection tool is the functionality of the on-off switch. Where the options for coding are yes-no, the default position is off or no. To code yes, the switch is turned on and will change to display in green. In this example of patient restriction, sequence number 3036, the element is coded based upon exclusion and does not require hospital personnel to ask this question to the patient. This means the patients must indicate they do not want to have their information included in research. To correctly code this scenario, the patient restriction element should be left turned off unless there is clear documentation in the medical record of a patient restriction. In Version 3.0, Provider Maintenance has been relocated to the Data tab at the left navigation bar. Provider Maintenance gives users the ability to add provider names and National Provider Identifier Numbers, or NPI numbers, to facility profiles. Adding providers to this facility's listing will make the provider available for selection in a drop-down listing within the data collection tool. To add a provider to the chest pain MI registry for a facility, simply enter the NPI information required as displayed on this screenshot and click Execute NPI. When the provider NPI number entered matches an NPI number from the database, the name of the provider will auto-populate. Once the provider name has populated, select the provider types to complete the profile. To select more than one type, hold the Control key on the keyboard while clicking on each provider type one by one. Selections will be highlighted in blue. Select the Add tab to include this provider to your facility's profile. Once a provider has been added successfully, a message display states New Provider Added Successfully. To edit an existing provider listed for your facility, simply fill in the search criteria and click Search. Provider information will be interoperable between certain NCDR registries. Please keep this in mind when completing and or editing provider profiles. Changes to a provider profile will be implemented to that same provider profile in other NCDR registries. Please ensure good communication between registry teams at your facility. The Chest Pain MI Registry Data Collection Tool now has Add and Remove tabs. The purpose of the Add and Remove tabs are to allow the participant to attach or remove a provider to the episode of care. The first step, demonstrated in a previous slide, was to create the provider list and make the providers available in the drop-down list of the Data Collection Tool. Click Please Select and the providers will be listed based on the provider information entered for this facility. Please select the appropriate provider and add to the patient episode. Please note the red boxes on the left which highlight the number of providers and the types of providers for this episode. In this example, the episode record includes two emergency providers and one attending provider. If a provider was mistakenly added to an episode, locate the associated provider number on the list of providers for the episode, click the number, and remove the provider from the episode. Set to Know is a feature that can be used to streamline data abstraction in the Version 3 Data Collection Tool. Selecting Set to Know for a group of data elements avoids having to click on each individual element to code as Yes or No. Additionally, the abstractor can then code specific data elements as Yes where appropriate. In this example, all history and risk factors have been set to No. Once all the data elements are set to No, the abstractor may code Yes. In this example, hypertension, sequence 4615, and dyslipidemia, sequence 4620, are coded as Yes as the only risk factors for this patient. Please note this process may be done in reverse order as well. In this example, hypertension, 4615, and dyslipidemia, 4620, can be marked as Yes, followed by a click on Set to Know. This feature applies to Home Medications, Medications on Arrival, Procedure Medications, Episode Events, Discharge Medications, and Follow-Up Events. In this example from the History and Risk Factors section, the abstractor can save valuable data entry time and effort by not having to click No to 15 additional data elements. Version 3 of the Chest Pain MI Registry has an electrocardiogram, or ECG, counter allowing for multiple occurrences of ECGs to be captured. The number of ECGs can be easily identified with the ECG counter, which assigns a number to each ECG performed within the episode of care. Each ECG will be identified by a number on the upper left side of the counter. When multiple ECGs are available, start with the first ECG recorded in this episode of and continue entering all subsequent ECGs in chronological order. The system will number each one as they are entered. To enter a new ECG, the user should simply click Add located in the upper right corner of the ECG counter. In the event an ECG needs to be removed from this counter, simply click the number assigned to the ECG in the counter to review the information. Click Remove to delete the selected ECG in the counter. In version 3 of the Chest Pain MI Registry, AHA maintenance is now located at the left navigation bar within the Data tab. Select Data and AHA Maintenance to review the available facilities list, as well as your selected facilities list. The available facilities list is comprised of the American Hospital Association AHA listing, which is updated annually on October 1. To locate available information for a specific transferring hospital, please enter searchable data into the search fields. In this scenario, we are searching for TMS Healthcare, and click Search. When an available facility search has resulted in the information requested, the facility may now be added to the selected facility listing. To add a facility to the selected facility listing, click the box at the far right hand column and then click Add, highlighted here in blue. It is important to note that once a facility has been moved from the Available Facilities Listing to the Selected Facilities Listing, the facility will no longer be found in the Available Facilities Listing. Troponin Counter is now available in the Lab section of the Data Collection Tool. The Add tab will open the Troponin data elements. The Troponin Counter has a calendar available in both the Troponin Collected and the Troponin Resulted data fields. The purpose of the calendar is to reduce data abstraction burden. In both the Lab and the Point of Care or POC Troponin Assay, the upper reference level URL contains a pre-populated drop-down list to choose from. The Troponin value will have a drop-down list from which you will select the correct unit of measure. Troponin value should be abstracted in chronological order with the initial value captured as value number 1. Troponin Counter displays three troponins in this example. Please focus on the third or number 3 in the Troponin Counter. The date and time are coded for both the collected time and the resulted time with their troponin test location coded as Lab. Because Lab is selected as the location, the POC Troponin Assay is grayed out. Please select a device for the Lab Resulted Troponin Assay and upper reference level. Once a device has been selected, an auto-populated drop-down list of Lab Resulted Troponin options will be available. In the Chest Pain MI Registry Version 3, the Submit to DQR page is located within the Data tab at the left navigation bar. Additionally, the Data Extract function is located within the Data tab at the left navigation bar. This concludes Version 3 Data Collection Tool Education.
Video Summary
This video is about the education and features of the Chest Pain MI Registry Version 3 data collection tool. Narrated by Kate Malish, the presentation was developed by Shelley Conine, Kristen Young, and Denise Pond. The education covers topics such as data collection options, inclusion criteria, sampling methodology, and data elements in Version 3. It also explains the functionality of the on-off switch, adding and editing providers in the registry, using the Set to Know feature to streamline data abstraction, capturing multiple ECGs, AHA maintenance, Troponin counter, and submitting data to DQR.
Asset Caption
Data Collection Tool
Chest Pain MI Registry Version 3
data collection tool
inclusion criteria
sampling methodology
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